
【台北凱達格蘭山】凱達格蘭山與七星山南峰(Chi-hsing shan south peak;Katagalan mountain)

2021.5.9 天氣晴

▶你可能有興趣的相關連結 Links you may interested in◀
• 神勇坡清風崙與大屯溪瀑布群(Qing Feng Lun and Du Tun river Waterfull)
• 通往九份黃金山城的天梯與牡丹山(Road to Jiufen city and Mu-dan Shan)


以下為攀登七星山南峰 & 凱達格蘭山 的基本資訊,

  • 交通方式:1.自行騎車開車從竹子湖路到七星山苗圃登山口 2.在陽明山總站搭乘108在童軍站下車。(先從捷運劍潭站公車260紅5 搭乘至大都會陽明山總站)
  • 花費時間:5 小時 (苗圃登山口-> 凱達格蘭山-> 七星山南峰 ->七星山 ->苗圃登山口)
  • 海拔高度:七星山1118 m, 七星山南峰1088m, 凱達格蘭山1049m
  • 爬升高度:650m
  • 難度:☆☆☆
  • 建議攜帶物品:防曬帽/一公升以上用水/食物

Chi-hsing shan south peak and katagalan mountain face to Chi-hsing shan/Chi-hsing shan east peak, both peak can have wondelful view and surrounding by several mountains. You will see long trail along the side of Chi-hsing shan and a bunch of people strive for climbing to the top at a distance of Katagalan/south peak of Chi-hising shan. It features less people visit, mysterious indigenous community of Kataglalan which is originally live in Taipei 3 hundred years ago[4]. You will see many people on the way up to Chi-hsing shan and you are standing at the similar spot with less people and occupy triangulation/city view yourself. It’s totally different and wonderful trail from common trail as Chi-hsing shan, there are many rapelling and climbing way if you choose Katagalan mountain/Chi-hsing shan south peak!

  • Below items are basic information for Chi-hsing shan south peak& Katagalab mountain trail
  • Transportation:1.Take motocylces/car to Miao pu trailhead(苗圃登山口) 2.Take 108 bus and take off at tong jun station(童軍站)from Yangming shan station。(Need to take bus 260與紅5 first from Taipei metro Jiuantan station (劍潭站)to Yangming shan station)
  • Spend time:5 hours(Miao pu trailhead-> Katagalan mountain-> Chi-hsing shan south peak ->Chi-hsing shan ->Miao pu trailhead)
  • Elevation:Chi-hsing shan 1118 m, Chi-hsing shan south peak 1088m, Katagalan mountain 1049m
  • Difference in elevation : 650 m from miao pu trailhead
  • Difficulty:☆☆☆
  • Carry-on items:Boonie/1 liter water at least /food

從綠野遊蹤的山路軌跡圖,可以看到七星山南峰跟凱達格蘭山正對著七星山主峰,以及南峰附近的恐龍接吻石與祭壇,強烈建議攀登者務必有登山離線app或者嚮導陪同進入,雖然旁邊為熱鬧的七星山主峰,但是距離200m以外的南峰與凱達格蘭山上常常可是一個人都沒有並且路跡不清楚且無訊號,很容易走錯路的喔! 可以參考我的另外一篇文章→登山離線地圖app教學,可以幫助你在離線時不確定路徑的情況下告訴你山路方向與所在當下位置喔!

Below are trail map of greentracks, you will see Katagalan shan/South peak both face to Chi-hsing shan at map. Also there is a stone looks like as dinosaur kissing each other near south peak and altar belongs to indigenous community of Kataglalan (but it should be rumor). While it’s not often to see hiker to visit south peak/Katagalan mountrain and no clear trail along the way with totally no signal environment, extremly suggested to download offline navigation app →Introduction of offline navigation app in Taiwan. in advance. Then you can check where are you any time and understand all the trail surrounding with you at offline environment! Basically, the trail around south peak/katagalan mountain will be no signal to surf internet or give a call.



▶11:50 a.m. 來到苗圃登山口,登山口就在竹子湖路上,旁邊有108的公車站牌還有涼亭供休憩,這時的三岔路請走中間的階梯路往上~ 如果直接走到頂就會直接到七星山囉!往南峰跟凱達格蘭山的路口會在半路上2.2k處的一個不起眼的小洞進去,下面更詳細說到入口處的位置與模樣! 一路都是石階與充滿林蔭的路,很適合四季的步道,除了到達山頂處會毫無遮蔭很曝曬以外,大部分的路都很遮蔭涼快喔(・∀・)

11:50 a.m. arrived Miao-pu trailhead, trailhead is located at zhuzi-hu road(竹子湖路), there will be gazebo and bus stop around trailhead as well. You will see three branchroad and please choose the middle one for the Chi-hsing shan south peak/Katagalan mountain, it can arrive Chi-hsing shan as well if directly go to the end thorugh this way. The branchroad to Katagalan mountain/south peak will on the way of 2.2k area along this trail, it’s a unclear small trail and inconspicuous way. I will give more detailed about this trail later. Along this rocky ladder, trail is covered by tree and shadow which suitable for 4 season in Taiwan for hiking , it’s comfortable and cool wind all the way. Except the way around summit exposed under the sunshine.


▶12:30 p.m. 到達步道1k處,從登山口到1k為緩上地形,沿路都是緩石階,沿路也都多有長板凳可以休息~ 一路爬升到山頂起碼要六百公尺,要珍惜這一段的緩上,我跟友人在這裡打鬧開玩笑說笑話,但是到了1.4k以後就是不段陡上,pear我就開始一話不說到山頂了ಠ_ಠ

12:30 p.m. arrived 1K, trail ascend gradualy from trailhead to 1K and rocky ladder along the way. Many bench near trail for taking rest~ The difference of elevation for this mountain will be 600 meter at least, so it’s enjoyable to walk from 0k to 1K, it will be really tough and breath rapidly after 1.4 k which company with very steep and suddenly ascend trail to the summit. I almost do not talk to my friend until arrived summit after 1.4K ಠ_ಠ


▶12:38 p.m. 到達1.4K,往右則為夢幻湖,直走為七星山路線,這頭的涼亭有AED心臟除顫器還有許多停下來休息躲太陽的大哥大姐們~ 繼續直走往七星山南峰/凱達格蘭山前進( >д<)

12:38 a.m. arrived 14.K, there will be gazebo at left hand side and another trail at right hand side to menghuan lake. Keep straight to Katagalan mountain/south peak. There are AED at gazebo and many hiker taking rest here.


Terrain will start ascending steeply from here to 2k since 1.4K!

▶13:10 P.M.到達2K處,準備要找切入凱達格蘭山的小山路,這邊其實1.8K以及2.0K都在綠野遊蹤都有山路的標記,但是Pear我找不到1.8K/2K的山路,或者太小條,所以就選擇靠近2.2k的這條登山口了!以下第二張照片為登山口的照片,沒有登山路條,看起來有點可怕但也很冒險~ㄧ定要透過透過登山離線地圖app來雙重輔助你確認山路位置。(⁎˃ᆺ˂)

13:10 P.M. arrived 2K area, ready to find out inconspicuous trailhead to Katagalan mountain before arrived to 2.2K. Actually there are others trailhead at 1.8K/2.0K could arrived as well but it’s hard to find out and too small entrance to get into it, i choose the 2.2K trailhead as below 2nd figure with no sign around it. It looks terrible and small trail but adventurous. Strongly suggest to download offline navigation app to dobule check the location and GPS to know where are you at trail.(⁎˃ᆺ˂)



Get in to small trailhead to Katagalan mountain, many bamboo stand at both side of you along the way. This scenerio will be changed to wider forerest soon after this tiny bamboo trail. Here you need to be really careful to get lost due to no sign to tell where is it and full of tree above you caused to hardly understand where you are located.

建議攜帶登山離線地圖app像綠野遊蹤或 Hiking book, 並且紀錄自身的軌跡,如此以來可以清楚接下來的方向也可以確定回去路線與來時相同,有時間因為路線少人走或者坍塌導致路徑軌跡有些微差距,離線地圖上的軌跡不會 100%正確,若是像這樣很少人行走的路線,Pear我習慣會開啟記錄自己走過的路線功能,確保回程時若按照離線地圖走有疑問時,可以有第二個參考的資料,並且是剛剛才紀錄會更為準確。(-`д´-)

Suggest to download offline navigation app as greentracks or hiking book, and record down your track by app as well especially the trail with only few people had visit. Although app have trail track, sometimes trail have been a little changed or it destoryed by typhoon caused to unclear track along the way then It helps you to understand where have you visit and walked before for 2nd reference. (-`д´-) Here i have writen about how to record down your track during hiking, feel free to check it out! →Introduction of offline navigation app in Taiwan


You will meet a flat terrain before arrived Katagalan mountain and a stone looks like as dinosaur kissing each other.

▶13:40 平地附近走一段就可以遇到恐龍接吻石,這裡因為多有巨石以及具有風化條紋的龜紋石,被傳說為凱達格蘭族遺留下來的祭壇遺址,但是考證過後並沒有明確的證據顯示有凱達格蘭族存在過的紀錄。

You will meet a stone looks like as dinosaur kissing each other after pass by above flat terrain. There will be many huge stone with specital texture, it is said that mysterious indigenous community of Katagalan have lived here hundreds years ago and leave cultural relics then[4]. While goverment have been verified no evidence to prove Katagalan community have lived here.
Interestingly, it’s cool to have stone with special shape at 1000 meter height of Taipei, it looks like dog touch both head each other or 2 people hug as well.(´・ω・`)

恐龍接吻石(Stone-dinosaur kissing)
龜紋石 (Stone with special texture)


Back to flat terrain spot, there will be small trail can directly get the summit of Katagalan mountain but with unclear track along the way.


Before arrived summit, you will see climbing/rappeling way with ropes and takes 1-2 meter height. it will be interesting for the advance hiker likes climbling. While it might need your friend to support if you are not familar with climbling trail with ropes, it’s hard to see where you can stand when you do rappeling. (-`д´-)

▶14:15 p.m. 到達凱達格蘭山後,可以清楚可見七星山主峰與東峰!山頂的空間不多也無遮蔭,不過凱達格蘭山尖聳的山型令人印象深刻~

14:15 p.m. arrived Katagalan mountain, you can clearly see Chi-hsing shan and Chi-hsing shan east peak from the summit! No such a lot space on summit and exposed to sunshine, but it’s still impressive of Katagalan mountain shape.


恰好登山山頂時遇到一團帶隊上來的登山團,趕緊照片拍一拍就讓給他們上山頂拍照~(^・ω・^ )

Just meet a group of hiker to visit Katagalan mountain as well. Departure here really quickly to spare a space for them to have area to stand up~(^・ω・^ )


Back to original way and go to chi-hsing shan south peak, miscanthus along the trail and no sign at all. My friend often disappear at a bunch of miscanthu suddenly when i slow down my pace (⁎˃ᆺ˂)

▶15:00 p.m. 到達七星山南峰山頂,從山頂望去清晰可見七星山主峰下方綿延的步道一路往上到山頂,甚至可以看到滿滿的山頂上的人潮在山頂走來走去,反觀現在所處的南峰一人都沒有,可以盡情享受安靜的360度環繞山景與市景,此處繼續走可以往南邊的金露山下到竹子湖路,不經七星山路線,但是無奈Pear我行經到這裡時已經開始起大霧,考量金露山路線布滿芒草且少人行走,決定原路回去接熱鬧的七星山道路下山比較安全(´・ω・`)。

15:00 p.m. arrived Chi-hsing shan south peak, you can see all the trail up to Chi-hsing shan summit in front of it as below picture. Even you can see many people walk around the Chi-hsing shan peak.
In contrast, no people stand at Chi-hsing shan south peak but you and totally quiet space but wind blowing sound, you can enjoy all the city view and mountain view by yourselves. If choose to keep straight, it will be next mountain- Jin-lu shan(金露山)and arrive to zhz-zi hu road(竹子湖路)which near the miao-pu trailhead. While weather turn to froggy and get more dangerous in Jin-lu shan(金露山) with full of miscanthus, i choose to back to Chi-hsing shan main trail to go down as safe choice.(´・ω・`)



Triangulation of Chi-hsing shan south peak hiding at miscanthus.


▶15:40 p.m. 走回到七星山路線,從窄小的芒草路鑽出來發現一路的遊客用神奇的眼神看向我「(°ヘ°),走回到一般的石階路,有一種令人放鬆的感覺,不用擔心走錯路並用愉快的心情緩慢下山到苗圃登山口~

15:40 p.m. back to Chi-hsing shan main trail, people look at me in a strange way when i just leave small trail with full of miscanthus. 「(°ヘ°) It’s really relax to back to normal trail and then back to miao-pu trailhead with comfortable mood.

回苗圃登山口路上行經七星山山頂,已經16:00 p.m.的山頂上還是一堆人~

16:00 p.m. arrived Chi-hsing shan summit, still many people take a rest here ~



Small trail at right picture could arrive Chi-hsing shan north peak , this way is around the Chi-hsing shan. Will come to visit here if no froggy next time ~


Back to branchroad with leng-shuei keng (冷水坑) and miao-pu trailhead.

▶17:00 p.m.到達苗圃登山口,完成探訪傳說中的凱達格蘭族遺址與鮮少人知的七星山南峰!穿梭在竹林中與在森林荒野中找路~以及四周環繞像抹茶一樣的台北山與體驗夏日的灼熱,大概就是這一趟的感受~ヾ(*´∇`)ノ

17:00 p.m. arrived to miao-pu trailhead, mysterious indigenous community’s cultural relics of katagalan and un well-known Chi-hsing shan south peak both are impressive and hiking around bamboo forest with totally nature environment, surrounding with green mountain under 35 degree. It’s all i feeling along the way!ヾ(*´∇`)ノ



After departure from trailhead, i went to a restaurant called “食來運轉“ which served free beverage as like black team,milk team and rice if you order any food inside the store. Just a recommended restaurant here for a dinner (・∀・)



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