位於不厭亭附近約步行20分鐘路程的大粗坑古道入口,為早期通往九份與大粗坑聚落兩邊的聯絡道路,而當中的天梯,就建在聚落之上,立於大自然山中的長梯顯得非常特別突出!早期天梯底下的大粗坑聚落稱為“小美國”而九份為“小上海”,早期大粗坑聚落居民因發現小金瓜露頭黃金礦源而繁榮的聚落,當地民眾前往九份消費時,因花費闊綽被稱為美國仔。 來這裡造訪不厭亭或九份的同時,除了賞山海景之外也適合來這裡懷古尋幽探舊幾十年前採礦歷史與舊城。(・∀・)
▶你可能有興趣的相關連結 Links you may interested in◀
• 【瑞芳煙囪稜】走過昔日煉銅廠排煙道與超Q哈巴狗岩
- 交通資訊:自行開車到102縣道上的不厭亭,登山口位於不厭亭附近
- 花費時間:1.5小時
- 海拔高度:654 公尺 (總爬升128 m)
- 建議攜帶物品 : 防曬帽/一公升用水
- 交通資訊: 自行開車到102縣道上的大粗坑古道路口,下行約500公尺可見到天梯
Cloudy and sunny day,
There is super wider and flat summit just located at county highway No.102 near by Buyanting(不厭亭), called as Mudan-shan (牡丹山) with elevation 654 mm. Ping-Xi, Wu-fen shan‘s radar, Tsan-guang-liao shan, Ban-ping shan and Cha-hu shan are all clear seen at summit with fabulous view and it’s only few people visiting place. Trailhead just around Buyanting with many sign at trailhead and will described later in article below. Most of people only visit Buyanting and BBQ sausage street vendor here in contrast with Mudan Shan. Mudan-shan is worthy to visit and wonderful with magnificent view, it doesn’t need to much advanced skill to summit.
Da-cukeng trail is located at county highway No.102 and takes around 20 minutes walking to here from Buyanting, it was old trail connecting with gold-mining town Da-cuken (大粗坑)and Jenfen city (九份). Giant ladder is located at Da-cukeng trail and above the old mining city Da-cukeng, it’s really special and unusual appearing at many green mountains. In the very begining of 1900, people who lived in Da-cukeng city was called as ” American” and they were so rich that spend many money at Jenfen city in old days. This trail filled with historical building and old mining city memory and really worthy to visit if come to here. (・∀・)
- Below items are basic information for Mudan-shan
- Transportation:Drive to buyanting at county highway No.102 and trailhead is around here.
- Spend time:1.5 hours
- Elevation:Mudan-shan
- Difference in elevation : 128 m
- Difficulty:☆
- Carry-on items: Bonnie/ 1 liter water/food
- Below items are information for Dacu-keng trail and giant ladder
- Transportation: Drive to Dacu-keng trailhead and will see giant ladder after keep straight 500 m
Tsan guang-liao shan and Ban-ping shan can be seen at below picture and both can be seen at summit with wonderful view(*≧▽≦)
2:00 p.m. 到達牡丹山登山口,路口隱藏在小徑當中,可以參考下圖知道登山口位置,大約為在不厭亭路口在往前十公尺處。位於雙溪區與瑞芳區告示綠牌的下方附近。
2:00 p.m. arrived Mudan-shan trailhead and it hides at county highway No.102. You can check it out below picture for detailed trailhead location which is around 10 meter away from Buyanting and near the sign of Shuangxi District/Ruifang District.
找不到的人可以多留意這一點來找到隱密的登山口 (´・ω・`)
Many sign at trailhead hint the Mudan-shan’s direction. It’s better to check if you can’t find out the entrance to Mudan-shan.(´・ω・`)
Based on map with contour line, trail will gradually ascend to ridge. After arrive ridge, trail become flat and easy to walk on it to summit.
Visit my another aricle about “offline navigation app application” to quick know how to search and understand detailed information of Muda-shan trail.
No shadow at the begining of trail, and total ascend 120 mm to summit. Trail is pretty clear and recognized easily.
If you look back during asending, you can see Buyanting and endless mountains around you.
After arrived to ridge, both side are full of miscanthus and no shadow as wll. It’s better to visit during fall/spring season othereise it will super sweating at sunny day (´・ω・`)
2:17 p.m.到達山頂,只花約20分鐘的時間登頂,山頂具有一顆三角點。
2:17 p.m. arrive Mudan-shan summit, it takes 20 minutes from trailhead.
Besides visiting Buyanting/Mudan-shan, you can also check out adjacent Da-cukeng trail(大粗坑)/Diao-shan trail(貂山古道)/Jinzibei trail (金字碑古道)as well.
There are no trees or bushes to give shade at summit but with endless mountains with 360° view of mountains view will be in front of you! Tsan-guang liao shan 739 mm is in front of you as well and taller 85 mm than Mu-dan shan(654mm). Cool wind with cloudy weater and no people here at summit, it’s suitable to stay longer here and enjoy scenery and i even stay 30 minutes here (´・ω・`)
Besides Mudan-shan summit, there will be another spot recommeneded for you. It will be flat platform to take rest with even better view if keep going straight from summit.
You wil see the branchload to electrical tower if choose left as right figure, and tsao-shan chan-pei road(草山戰備道)if choose right. But trail at right side have been full of Mucanthus and difficult to walk.
2:58 p.m.到達電塔下方處,走到可以見到山海一線與東北角風景,還有牡丹山牌子660m的告示牌也在此地。
2:58 p.m. arrived electroal tower platform, here you can see ocean/mountain view clearly and sign of Mudan-shan is located at this place with remarked 660mm.
Crystal blue ocean and Cha-hu shan(茶壺山) are front of you~ Cha-hu shan is located at right side of below picture.
Basically Mudan-shan only takes 1 hours to complete trail, it’s pretty easy to visit and worthy to go.
Back to trailhead at 3:30 p.m. , and forward to Dacu-keng (大粗坑)trailhead at rui shuang highway(瑞雙公路). There will be a stone stela marked “Dacu-ken trail” at Dacu-keng trailhead, here you can visit the old trail which was one of way to Jen-fen for the people lived in ancient times and giant ladder.
Giant ladder is located at 500 meter away from Dacu-keng trail. In 1890 year, people found gold sand at Ji-long river(基隆河)during train construction work. Besides Ji-long river, people keep searching upstream of JI-long river for gold sand as well, fortunatly, Jenf-en summit was found huge gold mining which was around the Dacu-keng city. Currently visotor can see the mining at the “Jiu gua lou tou trail” (金瓜露頭)which is 1 minutes walking way away from Dacu-keng trail.
Below left diagrame is the schmatic of giant ladder location, it onlys takes roughly 10 miuntes walking from entrance of Dacu-keng trailhead.
大粗坑聚落在民國五十,六十年代因為礦業蓬勃的關係與金瓜石,瑞芳合稱為瑞芳三大金都,可見得早期之繁榮,以前居住於大粗坑/小粗坑聚落的居民要前往九份與猴硐只有兩條路,一條是大粗坑古道,另一條即是小粗坑古道,兩條中間還有一條山腰古道。據說以前大粗坑人來到九份拜訪時,九份店家的人都會大聲歡呼說:『“美國仔”來了!~』[4],或許是因為金礦礦脈的豐碩讓粗坑人出手都很闊綽的關係? 好奇之下查到有相關論文討論昔日此地礦工每日收穫1兩-5兩不等,一兩即50克,若是換算成現在的金價一克1500來算,每一日都相當于賺了七八萬塊以上,當然昔日的金價非常便宜不如現在(´・ω・`)
Dacu-keng (大粗坑)city, Rui-keng (瑞芳) and Jiu gua shi (金瓜石) are named as ” Top three gold minging city” at 1960-1970 decades. Only 2 way can be contacted between Houtong (猴硐)and Jen-feng (九份)city are Dacu-keng trail ,Xiao-cukeng trail. It’s said that people pend many money earned from many gold mining and were called as ” Americans are coming~!” by Jen-fen city’s street vendor in old times. From the study of Da-cukeng mining history report, people can mining 50 gram – 250 gram of gold per day. It’s equal to 70k-80k NT dollars earning per day if the gold price counted as current exchange rate. (´・ω・`)
While in 1984 Rui-feng catastrophic fire caused to destory mining industry developement and 100 people death at least, in 1987, Lin-en typhoon even destroy houses and construction in mining city seriouly , goverment start to import mining abroad and help mining industry to change their product. However, du-cukeng city become ruin and no people come here to visit nowadays.
Recommend to go wandering around Du-cukeng trail after visit Jen-fen city, you will found many hisorical building and old mining cave here. It’s said that some people who lived in old decades will come to here to clean up the temple “Da-de temple”, they will tell visitors about prosperous story about Dacukeng city, miner and even where still have gold sand. Believe more people come to visit here, then more Dacukeng’s memory will be remembered.
From the view of giant ladder, small building at left is “Da-de temple” and at right is elementary school of hou tong which was built in 1940. It has been had 12 session before.
When walking back to Da-cu keng trailhead, Mu-dan shan and giant ladder both can been clear seen together as right figure.
There is trail called as “Jin gua shi lou tou”(金瓜石露頭)which means a mining resource looks like a pumpkin, it just located near by Da-cukeng trailhead.
Actually,”Jin gua shi lou tou” has 2 places, one is small jin gua shi lou tou, another one is big jin gua shi lou tou. The smaller one is near Da-cukeng, another big one is located at Rei-feng city.
In 1930, small Jiun-gua-shi-lou-tou mining industry was bought by Taiwanese Yan Yun-nian(顏雲年)from Japan goverment as 300K Yen so it becomes private enterprise. In contrast, big Jiun-gua-shi lou-tou was managed by Japan goverment with modern equipment and mining wage is 30-50 cent NT per day for Taiwanese.
Because huge mining resouce at Jen-fen city, it attracts many miner coming to here to dig well for mining work. You can found many well structure along the Rei-shuang highway and some was closed already as right figure.
Small Jiun-gua-shi-lou-tou looked like pumpkin several decades ago so it was called as “Jiun gua” which meaning is pumpkin. But it was been through too many mining work already, it may looks like cashew nuts now (´・_・`). You can see many pyrite on stone at summit of Jiun-gua-shi-lou-tou trail if you look stone carefully.
From the view of Jiun-gua-shi shan 金瓜石山(576 m) , you can see Jiun-gua-shi-lou-tou(金瓜石露頭) in front of you
(・∀・), here it’s windy and super comfortable with cloudy weather.
Ji-long shan(基隆山) can be seen from the Jiun-gua-shi shan summit as well.
返程路上,順道經過米詩提甜點,現在來九份必訪這家的經典泡芙,雖然一顆要價60,但是泡芙餡料超級豐富σ(≧ε≦o)還有芋頭 /鮮奶油/ 地瓜/ 巧克力/ 抹茶的口味可以選!真心覺得好吃,不會到太甜加上千層的酥外皮~很搭
I almost visit Misty store everytime when i go to Jen-feng cuty, even 1 puff takes 60 NT. Their puff has many yummy cream inside puff σ(≧ε≦o) and there are taro/sweet patato/chocolate/mocha /milk favor to choose! It’s pretty delicious and tasty !
4 ea takes 200 NT dollars an every puff is very big and full of cream!
This trail to Mudan shan / Jen-fen Da-cukeng can be really enjoyable with wonderful mountain view and crystal blue ocean, historical trail walked by miner 100 years ago and old buildings. It’s unbelievable that it’s prosperous and full of people before, in contrast, nowadays only tree and empty temple stand here with no one quietly.
Feel free to contact me or leave message me if there is mistake in my article, thank you for reading!