16/9/2021 – 27/9/2021 Fall season in Taiwan
However, incredible journey finally begins after i quitted my job which have been for 3 years long. Only started only if i succeed to terminate my job.ヽ(・∀・)ノ

I takes 12 days to surround around Taiwan, departured from Taipei (台北) and cycling in counterclockwise direction to Pingtung(屏東) feng harbor (楓港)first, then riding to Taitung(台東),Hualien(花蓮),Yilan(宜蘭),the last destination is Taipei, my home.
Sunny day with hot temperaure and high humidity all the round trip, i was riding against southwest monsoon with pretty slow speed 20km/hr to start magical journey of cycling Formosa.
Total expense is listed below,
The cost of food : 4100 NT
Hotel or backpaking hostel 4240 NT
Bike Rental 5000 NT
Cycling jersey&Cycling tight 1860 NT
Insurance 500 NT
Others 1500 NT (Others includes souvenir, medicine, train ticket and bicycle inner tube)
Total Cost is 17200 NT,
if converted to USD dollars, it will be 600 USD roughly.
Abstract of Cycling Taiwan Tour
Bacially 5 category for cycling Taiwan checklist, which route to ride/ bicycle and cloth wearing / hotel booking / food&meal / Insurance , then ➤ Cycling dairy start.
- Which Route to Ride:It’s better to choose Taiwan cycling Route No.1 if you are beginners or prefer to be convenient and safe during trip. There are many sign on road to remind people the direction to Route No.1. Besides, google map will guide you to choose Route No.1 generally if you choose bike mode. Route No.1 has more convenience store and market then others, especially you will see bike lane on road helping driver avoid to affect people riding bike. Also, cycling taiwan can be categorized to ” longer ” and ” smaller “, which only differ from Cape Eluanbi (鵝鑾鼻)which is southest area of Taiwan.
- Bicycle and Clothes:You can go the rental bike store for all bicycle sets if you wants, including pannier, pump, bicycle halmet. i will introduce the rental store information in detaled later.
- Hotel Booking:It’s pretty easy and fast to book hotel or hostel on booking.com or agoda.com. i always book at noon and check in at afternoon.
Or check it with google map for hotel and give a call for booking.
Totally no need to worry about no room for sleeping, Taiwan has a lots of hotel. But it’ better to check hotel availablity when you riding bike in east of Taiwan, it’s might be only the most expensive left during TAIWAN holiday. - Food&Meal:If you want drinking water for free, you can go to police officer to ask for drinking water. About the food&meal, it’s really easy to find it if you are riding bike along Taiwan cycling Route No.1 . If not, you can google the restaurant before you departure.
- Insurance:Before departure, i just spent 500NT for insuance about medical claim and death claim to prevent any injury happened on the way. But i am sorry that only chinese version i found in my insurance web page.
【 Day0 Preparation of TAIWAN Cycling】
【 Day0 Preparation of Cycling Taiwan】
➡ Information of Bicycle Rental and Checklist
When decided to start cycling trip, I was directly go to bike store to rent everything because i do not have bike and related tools even clothes. So i choose Mathew bike store in Shilin City of Taipei. In fact, there are many rental stores in Taipei, many options you can choose if you google it. Mathew bike store’s clerk provides bike and all the cycling trip sets , it’s helpful for the people who do not have bike or just want to cycling Taiwan once. Of course, it costs thousands NT for it.

Rental store provides lots of tool, you can refer the picture above and below one.

Mathew bike store will provide you below tools if you buy the cycling Taiwans sets,
- Bicycle, 30 speed
- Pannier 30L*2
- Waterproof for Pannier*2
- Lights(Front*1 + Backside*1)
- Cycle computer
- Helmet
- Pump
- Backup bickcle inner tube*2
- Lock
- Tool, bike chain lubricant, tires levers
- bike rack
- Transparant bag for smart phone navigation

I was rent bicycle for 30 speed with brand “performer”. Total rental 15 days will be 5000NT.

Below picture shows all of my carry-on luggage all the round trip. Total weight is 7 kilogram without water.

Here are my checklist, (not include above bike’s related tools)
- Cycling Jarsey
- Cycling tights
- Sunglasses
- Pajama*1
- Filpflop
- Rain coat
- Socks*2
- Smart phone for backup (really important! small phone always too high temperature to use during hot weather and navigation at the same time)
- Charger cable
- Portable Charger
- toothbrush, toothpaste and towel
- Hat to against sun
- Neck cover
- Oversleeve
- Gloves for bike
- Sunscreen
- Spoon/fork/small cup
- Tissue
- Face Mask (Just for covid-19)
- Small Knife to chop fruit
- Notebook
- Fanny pack (but i found totally unnecessary for cycling trips, pannier pag*2 is enough)
- Water(It’s ok to police officer for free drinking water)
BTW, I was remained a letter for my family about my bank account/password/inssurance information and the words in case i happened any serious injury.

Mathew’s bike is located at Shilin City of Taipei, they are just near by Wei shuang xi river park(外雙溪河濱公園). It’s convenient to drive to park after rental and then start cycling Taiwan(・∀・)/ .
On the other hand, Mathew bike store’s clerk will especially check and maintenance bike in detail for one day before you rent the bike, so it’s better to tell them in advance about your plan.

【 Disposal of flat tire/ blowout?】
Because i am really beginner for this, it’s normal to be unfamilar with disposal of tire blowout. Luckily, there are thousands of video teaching how to dispose this kinds of disaster on Youtube, how to change inner tube. I was repeatly checked the video and tried my best to memory disposal procedure. Or you can ask rental store’s clerk about how to face this situation as well, they might teach you.
【 Day0 Preparation of Cycling Taiwan】
➡ Information of Cycling route
I was counterclockwise direction to circle around Taiwan, and it’s common to find out route map on the internet. This website includes every cycling route in Taiwan although it’s Chinese versio, below map shows Taiwan cycling route NO.1 with brown color. Besides, route at Hualien can be divided into 2 ways, one is No.9 to ride inside country side within mountains and the other is No.11 to ride near ocean.

During i did cycling trip, i choose No.11 to ride near ocean from Taitung(台東) to Hualien(花蓮) and take train to avoid “Suhua highway” (蘇花公路)from Hualien(花蓮) station to Yilan(宜蘭) station. In general, most of people will bypass this Suhua highway during riding bicycle, it’s super dangerous to ride near big truck in a really small and steep road.
Below is the sign of Taiwan cycling route NO.1, it’s pretty common to see on the ground all the way if you ride on it. Somtimes,it’s more interesting if follow this sign without the navigation app. You can think where and which road should be right direction, it’s really boring if just keep following the google instruction.

Basically, if need, i will use google map to do navigation with bike mode as shown below. It helps you to know how long it takes and the distance will ride, although spending hour on google calculation usually need to multiply*1.5 times for real situation.

On the other hand, somtimes i don’t want to keep riding on Taiwan cycling route No.1. Google map app provide special “bicycle route” which shows most of people chooses to take in this area, then i will try to explore what local people choosed to ride. Somtimes it’s magical and interesting to find out comfortable bicycle route with wonderful view.

【 Day0 Preparation of Cycling Taiwan】
➡ Information of Insurance
Before departure, i just spent 500NT for insuance about medical claim and death claim to prevent any injury happened on the way. But i am sorry that only chinese version i found in my insurance web page.
【 Day0 Preparation of Cycling Taiwan】
➡ Weather forecast
Before i departure, i usually check the weather by windy app. First, it’s about raining possibility. Second, it’s about wind direction, whether it has the same direction with cycling route. If you are interested, you can refer another my post about how to use this app(・∀・)

【 Day0 Preparation of Cycling Taiwan】
➡ Bike train information and schedule
If you want to take train with your bike, there are special railway carriage for bicycle as shown below picture. This special one is limited and it’s okay to book in advance in Taiwan Railway Website. Of course, it’s ok as well to take local train without booking procedure, but they won’t have below setup for your car. Also, local train need to check which one is allowed to carry-on bicycle on train or not.
I was checking with people working in train station about availablity of carry-on bike during cycling Taiwan if choosed local train instead of special bike train.

Below is the website of Taiwan Railway, you can choose the language in webpage.

If you want to book the bike train, you can click “General booking”, then click the “Bicycle train schedula/code inquiry”

i use the example as below, depature station i choose “Hualien” (花蓮)and arrived station choose “Yilan”(宜蘭), then Date and train type.
Train type can be divided into “Express” and local one. Express is special bike train that you don’t need to hold your bicyle all the way. Local one can’t hold the bike so passenger need to hold it during seating.

As below picture, you can see the express one that can book in advance. Others are local train schedule.

By the way, local one have the bicycle sign on it, which means this train is allowed passenger to take bicycle on train. So not all of train can carry bike on ti.

If you still have question about booking, please leave message and i will try to answer you question or you can directly to train station to ask.
【 Day1 Taipei台北 ➡ Hsinchu新竹】
6:00 a.m. Taipei Zhonghe 台北中和
4:20 p.m. Hsinchu Mingyue Hotel 新竹明月大飯店
Hotel cost:1000NT
Food and Drinking:283 NT
Total Distance:90 Kilometer
I just fall down from bike after i departure within 1 hour….. (´・_・`)
Several bleeding wounds on both hands and arms, it hurts a lot but still okay with cleaned up wound by Band-aid. Keep riding to the first destination!
6:00 a.m. Departure from Taipei, It’s unbelievable that this trip is on going. In Taiwan, it’s pretty difficult to travel for long time in young age because employee do not have so much vacation to take off. This journey is viewed as the treasure of my life and starts with peace mind.
It roughly takes 5 days to prepare all of cycling trips about which route to cycling Taiwan with schedule list, and went to sport store for cycling jarsey and buy inssurance on internet. However, most of important thing is to know how to prevent the accident happened and how to deal with it.
For example, cycling at day instead of night and take rest all day if raining heavily. Learn how to change inner tube from Youtube video and prepare backup inner tube*2…etc
After all of this, then i start to feel peace of mind and ready to go.

6:15 a.m. Riding to river park on the Cycling Taiwan Route No.1 from Zhonghe, from this route, i can keep riding to Daxi(大溪)of Taoyuan(桃園) along this way. Interestingly, i start feel quite weird being far away from my home, and keep telling myself that i can return back anytime if got really tired. With this mind, all of afraid and annoying mind are gone and keep cycling for this adventurous journey.

9:00 a.m. arrived Ying ge (鶯歌) bike lane, i start to put on sunglasses and wear long sleeves prevented to get sunburn due to sun is too shinny.
Along the bike lane from Taipei to DanXi(大溪)are very easy to follow and comfortable to ride on it(・∀・)

Soon after, Dan Xi bridge (大溪橋) is in front of me after riding Ying ge Bike lane. In weekday afternoon, no body walked on this bridge even a dog or a bird. Too quiet to believe it was always so loud and crowded in the weekend.

After passed by Dan Xi bridge, i was riding on downhill trail to the intersection. There is a small turn and then stair appears that can step on it to Dan Xi old street
(大溪老街). This places were famous for trading camphor and tea in the early 1900 decades of Taiwan due to it’s near the Dan shui river(淡水河)helping product tranportation and gathering crops. However, in modern generation, transportation have been improved so this old street only remain old building for the memory .

After COVID-19, no so much people walk on street, Dan Xi street is so quiet without any people talking.

Still many old building on the street

Actally, first things i did when arrived Dan Xi(大溪)is to find band-aid to clean up my wounds.
It hurts a lot and bleed for a while.
i have mentioned i just fell down after departure. it happened at river park, there is small turn on bike lane and i didn’t turn very well.
Unfortunatly, i didn’t prepare medicine to kill bacteria something like that. So i just keep riding to DanXi city that has medicine store and take rest for lunch too.

13:26 p.m. arrive Long tan lake(龍潭大池), and turn to Taoyuan 20 route(桃20線). From Long tan, terrain will be uphill for a while and then downhill to Hsinchu(新竹)which is my destination of first day.

i just booked the hotel at noon on Booking.com with booking.com app. Because i have lots of wounds and it needs space for clean up so i didn’t choose backpaking hostel.

16:30 arrived Hsinchu City and finally can take rest at hotel.
After taking shower and cleaned up wounds, i go downstair to chat with hotel receptionist about any recommended food near here. They were very passionated and glad to tell me that Wen chang chicken rice(文昌雞飯)and papaya milk (神仙木瓜牛乳) are pretty good, and if traveling budget is allowed, many high class Japan restaurants in Dong men market(東門市場)are also recommended to try.

Papaya milk is super good and taste very well. It’s suitable for the people who loves sweets and smoothie, especially in summer day.(≧▽≦) Both are wonderful and chicken smells really good helping people to increase muscle by protein .
First day i was cycling 90 kilometers and about sleep at 10 p.m. Ready to wake up at 5 a.m. at second day~
【 Day2 Hsinchu 新竹 ➡ Taichung台中 】
Hsinchu 新竹 6:00 a.m. – 17:40 p.m. Taichung qing shui 台中清水
Hotel Cost:0 NT (Norway forest No.3 hotel, hotal cost donated by my family)
Food & Drinking:315 NT
Total Distance:84 Kilometers
In early morning, i just got my tire blow out (◔ д◔)。
After i departured in early morning, i was riding from provincial road No.1 to high speed road No.61 and found out a quiet harbor place with many wind turbines. Just want to seat down and enjoy delicious breakfast with this view during my amazing cycling trip, unfortunatly, sooner i found my bike’s tire blow out accidently…..

In fact, stranger found my tire blow out, he was just riding his bike near me before his work. It’s really appreciated (´・ω・`), he taught me how to change inner tube and guide each procedure then i just need to follow the insturction. Fortunatly, there is police officer near by me, i can borrow bigger pump for the inner tube for it, compared portable pump, it’s more helpful. Of course, it’s necessary to bike’s store to make sure my bike’s tires had 100psi pressure.

Above picture is my breakfast at second, Hsinchu you gou lan peanut soup(新竹有夠爛花生湯)sell meat dumplings and peanut soup. Cold soup with sugar favor is really good with soft peanut (*≧▽≦)

After change inner tube completly, i just directly go to small town to find out backup inner tube. However, no bike store was found after i checked 5 local people at least, it’s weird that every people answer different solution / direction to me. When i realized it, time already comes to 10 a.m. Give up to find out backup inner tube and keep to south direction.

11:32 a.m. arrived Miaoli bai sha tun gong tian temple(苗栗白沙屯拱天宮),i was taking rest here to avoid sunburn at noon. Even in weekday,many people come to pray and many street vendor sell fruits and drinking.

Miaoli(苗栗)rarely have crowded place, i have’t met so much people after arrived this city.
In this super hot weather, i bought honey tea with iced and chat with hawker about any recommended food here(・∀・), howeverm hawker looks awkward and said: ” i only eat the food i cooked myself, no recommended food and nothing expected here”.
So at second day, i bought lunch at 7-11 as well.
Soon after i want to leave this place, there is old guy who is selling tea offering me a iced tea for free. It’s super good and tastes wonderful at sunny day.
It’s pity that he only sell raw tea leaf, otherwise i must buy dozen of it.

Scenery from Miaoli(苗栗)to Taichung Dajia(台中大甲)is almost the same to me and not so many people on road but car. Very tough and painful along this way to Taichung under the sunshine. Only one thing can be cheered up is there are many drivers slowed down and telled my loudly ” Cheer up and keep going ” , then thumb up to me . (・∀・)

15:00 p.m. arrived Miaoli Huo yan mountain(苗栗火炎山),

15:48 p.m. arrived Taichung Dajin(台中大甲). First destination is bike store and buy backup inner tube because my tire blow out in morning. It costs 250 NT with super expensive prize but i dont have other choose. Interestingly, bike store’s boss tell me there is really good store sold delicious food called “Wang yuan ji zha guo” (王元吉炸粿店). He said their food didn’t change any favor and taste since 60 years ago. After i tried it, it’s really goooood and pretty cheap! (・∀・)

Bike store’s boss said with smile: ” Many food change their favor and taste a lot, but only this one, always keep the same taste since i was child”. He already 6X years old and talked sincerely.

16:00 p.m. Arrived Dajin Zhen lan temple(大甲鎮瀾宮), it’s under construction at 2022/Sep. Even it’s under constucted, still many people come to pray and i choose to be a tourist wandering around here.

Along the way to Dajin(大甲), taro are everywhere at both side of road. It’s impressive to me that born in the big city and no very often to see this plant on city. i am really happy as like weirdo to see this kinds of scenery.

17:30 p.m. Sunset at the second day of cycling around Taiwan.
Final destination of today is Taizhong Qing shui(台中清水). However, my family come to here from Taipei to visit me. So i change my plan to take train to Taizhong train station(台中火車站)to meet my family. By the way, it’s also a chance to let my wound dry tomorrow due to i always wearing long sleeve to prevent sunburn so my wound always keep wet condition.
Also, when i arrived the Taizhong train station, i found i can’t access into train directly due to i didn’t check which one is for bike train or local train which is available for bike. So i wait for almost 3 hours until the train for bike come.

Arrived Norway forest No.3 hotel with my family, its design is very bright and welcoming. it costs 2000NT for 3 person per night with pretty cheap prize and they also give cookie and coke for free.

Plan to take rest at Taizhong City for 1 day and do sightseeing.
【 Day3 Taizhong 1 day trip 】
Cost for hotel:0 NT (lived in SU Taichung Hostel, and donated by my family)
Food and drinking:300 NT
Total distance:0 KM
Such a good holiday during cycling trip, no cycling no sweating all day, i just enjoy sightseeing at Taichung city. First destination is Miyahara, it sells tasty ice cream with many special favor. i just order the favor of Tieguanyin tea and black tea which name is called ” Say Cheers to the past” and “live between dream and real life” (´・ω・`)

At the afternoon, with such a good weather, my family and i were take 1 hour bus to MITSUI OUTLET PARK. Beside wandering around the shoping mall, my family and i were sitting near ferris wheel to enjoy starbuks cafe.

Time pass to sunset moment, we just walk to huge lawn and harbor around Mitsi outlet and watch the scenery with beautiful sunset. ( ゚▽゚)/

At night, i was living at the SU .Taichung hostel at night. No staff in change here during most of time, they just give you password that helps you to access into hostel. It costs 2000NT for 4 person per room and it’s suitable for backpacking travelers.
By the way, there are many foreigners living in this hostel and super loud in lobby. This hostel provide basic cooking tools ,micorwave and books.
Sleep at 10 a.m. and plan to wake up really early at 5 a.m. to keep cycling to south!

【 Day4 Taichung 台中 ➡ Chiayi 嘉義 】
Taichung 臺中 6:30 a.m. – 16:30 p.m. Chiayi 嘉義
Hostel:600 NT (KMHostel)
Food and drinking :440 NT
Total distance:95 km
The weirdest person i have ever met in my life is the person who i met at fourth day of cycling Taiwan. There is a older people with age around 55 years old, he said: 「Are you cycling Taiwan now? I would like to cycling Taiwan with you. You can live in hotel for free if you cycling with me. BTW, are you married yet ?…」This old man freaked me out and try to follow me during i ride my bike. Luckily, i just rided into tranditional market where has many people and hawkers. I just quickly riding away from him and saw him stuck inside crowded market (´・ω・`)

6:30 a.m. arrived the Dadu bridge which implys i almost arrived Changhua(彰化).
During cycling trip, everday i wake up pretty early and sleep earlier which is totally different from the life compared with the day i was working. Now i am always energetic and feel the time i have per day is much longer than before ! ヽ(・∀・)ノ
7:30 a.m. arrived the Changhua station (彰化車站)

10:00 a.m. arrived Xiluo bridge (西螺大橋)

Eat salad and drink latte in 7-11 today for lunch. I found i almost ate lunch in 7-11 everyday. Maybe this is bad for my body, because my mouth start to have several canker sore until i finsih this 12 days trip.
So i start to eat vegetable and fruit since now and it’s my first time to buy salad in my life.

In Yunlin, Xiluo town has many interesting spots to be visited, for example, east market has old street and tranditional food, and Wan Zhoung soy sauce factory (丸莊醬油觀光工廠)for travelers has detailed introduction about how soysauce making.

There are many bench for rest and smaller amusement park. Also, there is small restaurant call”Xiluo triangular dumpling” (西螺三角大水餃) which are famous at local.

Wan Zhoung soy sauce factory (丸莊醬油觀光工廠)for travelers , they has detailed introduction how to make soy sauce and video you can watch.

It’s said that Chemical soy sauce made by chlorhydric acid can be quickly made in 3 days. However, if used pure black bean to have fermentation for long time to generate soy sauce naturally, it takes 4 -6 months to make. It’s a horrible difference between this two type (◔ д◔)

BTW, i found the labor’s work schedule a day for whom worked here for old generation, they are overworking 90 hours per month and it’s super ridiculous then. They worked from 5 a.m and finish at 7 p.m everyday. See, it’s ridiculous.

Besides the factory, they sell ice cream with soy sauce favor as well. Its color is black and you can few black bean inside. Actually, it’s not so tasty. ( ಠ ಠ ) Inversely, many people hold several soy sauce and carry many of them from factory. Only such a idiot as like me only buy a ice cream here.

15:30 p.m. arrived Chiyi art center, no one to vist due to COVID-19.

Only me and dog are being here

16:30 p.m. arrived KM hostel. The host is really nice to help me carry bicycle to be inside hostel.

The host is really passionated to introduce local food for recommendation. He documented every food restaurant / street vendor in google map and i also mark it during he said where has delicious food.

Cycling taiwan comes to the end of fourth day. Today i just meet a girl who is my roommate in hostel, she was talking about how does she start her new career of solding fish spawn. It’s quite interesting to chat about each life story and share each experience. Just curious that how kinds of people i will met in the following journey ?
【 Day5 Chiyi 嘉義 ➡ Tainan 台南 】
9:30 a.m. Chiyi 嘉義 – 15:30 p.m. Tainan 台南
Hostel:405 NT (Old man captain hostel)
Food and drinking:279 NT
Total distance:70 km
It’s first time during this journey, i wake up without alarm. Sunshine woke me up at 7 a.m. with super energetic spirit, i just cook instant noodle as my day5 breakfast with many fruit. It’s so wonderful that you are not in hurry during cycling trip (๑´ㅂ`๑)
Every people walk fast to their company or each destination outside the window, but you are eating breakfast slowly.

During this trip, i just try to have meals full of nutrition,for example, many fruits as below. However, it caused to my luggage super heavy….

10:00 a.m. From Chiayi city, there is “Jia you tie ma dao 嘉油鐵馬道” bike lane which is pretty comfortable to ride bike on it. From this lane, it will directly to Taiwan cycling Route No.1. and arrived Tainan city (台南) ヽ(・∀・)ノ

12:11 p.m. arrived Tainan Long tian (台南隆田) which is a small town along the Taiwan cycling route No.1. Under the super hot sunshine, i found a small drinking tea store when i pass by here. They sold pretty cheapest drinking tea i have ever see, and it’s amazing that their tea is great and tasty! Their name is “No.8 tea store” (8號茶攤子) Black tea only 15 NT and milk tea for real milk is 35 NT!!!

Hawker’s daughter and wife are pretty nice, they offer me free ice and drinking water if i need. But i already have many bottles of water(◔ д◔) , i just rejected them and buy their black tea.
Would like to grab some lunch after arrived Long tian (隆田). However, due to COVID-19, many restaurant inhibit to eat in and only allow to carry out. Final i stll choose 7-11 convenient store with air conditioner to finish the lunch. Day5 keep eat lunch at 7-11ಠ_ಠ

13:30 p.m. water caltrop farm around long tian(隆田), many people under umbrella were shacking their hand to attract people to buy water caltrop.

It’s my first time to see water caltrop farm, especially it grows from water…..
(・∀・)i feels like i am weirdo to wander around here to look this small plant
15:00 p.m. Before i arrived Tainan station, i saw a poisonous plant which is called “castor oil plant”. It has super high poison inside its seed and it caused people die directly if only eat 1 seed. I never see this plant before but i always know how look it is. So i really excited to see it on the way and stop to take picture suddenly.

15:40 p.m. arrived Old man captain hostel, it costs 400 NT per night. Total 1 rooms have 10 spots for girls. Many foreigners come to live here for short trip as well.

Old man captain hostel

one bed with curtain

After taking shower, i just wander around Tainan city and grab some food for dinner.

My friend recommended “Sun brand smoothie”(太陽牌冰品)which is in Tainan city, it’s super tasty so i come here and try again. My dinner just finished by pork rice with vegetable and smoothie. Quite boring night, but i already satisified with it.

i have many roommate today and they come from south country. However, they are pretty quite so i didn’t talk so much and sleep early.
【 Day6 Tainan 台南 ➡ Ping Dong Fang liao 屏東枋寮 】
6:30 a.m. Tainan台南 – 15:30 p.m. 屏東枋寮
Hostel:1000 NT (Iron hostel)
Food and drinking:800 NT
Total distance:90 km
At cycling trip Day6, the host of iron hostel is a really nice and warm person. He has a cute cate inside the hostel and many books and video game (switch) you can use in his hostel. This hostel is especially gender friendly and not difficult to found by hostel decoration. At night , we are talking about the booking.com and agoda.com for the hotel booking, then i realized that booking.com company automatically provide guest’s information (phone number) but agoda don’t which caused hostel host can’t contact guest and host need to wait guest to come untill mid-night without any information….etc
6:30 a.m. Start riding from Tainan station and keep riding to Ping Dong(屏東)

I have heard that people lived in Tainan really enjoy their breakfast and take seriously. 6 a.m., Yong ji fish ball (永記虱目魚丸) already full of people. The man who seat near me just already eat the pork rice + vegetable + milkfish, which is super feast for me.
Look, i only order a fish ball soup as my breakfast.
Except me, every people here are ordering a lot for breakfast.
People live in Tainan are always eating feast at breakfast ? Σ( ° △ °|||)

7:30 a.m. arrived Qi mei museum(奇美博物館). Museum is closed now because it’s too early to come. This musemum has many amazing showpiece and specimen, really worth to come.

Almost sunshine everyday like right now, even already September in Taiwan.

Betal nuts hawker, in Taiwan, there are many this kinds of betal nuts hawkers on street and it must a girl seating inside to sell their betal nuts. It’s one of culture of Taiwan. Besides betal nuts,this kinds of hawkers also sell the freezing water as cheap prize 10 NT.
In this such terrible hot weather , freezing water just save my life from this hot hell. o(^▽^)o

9:30 a.m. arrived Kaoshung Nanzi station (高雄楠梓車站), this places i have stayed for 3 years during my university…. So it has bunch of memory for me.
5 years ago, around 2013~2015, i remember there is a store here sold 50 NT mango smoothie with super cheap prize but now already gone…

Day6 keep eating lunch in 7-11 as salad and coffee !(・∀・)

12:30 p.m. from Kaoshung to Ping Dong city, i choose No. 1 Provincial Road and No. 27 Provincial Road to Ping Dong which will directly bypass south Kaoshung and directly arrived Ping Dong city.

There is bike lane near the No. 1 Provincial Road , it’s comfortable for bikers and don’t need to worry about big truck.

13:30 p.m. i just follow the navigation app to Ping Dong No61 route. and passby a duck farm. Just wondering whether these duck will send to restaurant or not ?
(◔ д◔)

Those duck are so cute… and so quiet place.

15:00 p.m. During Tueday, not so much people and car on the way. i just keep riding to Ping Dong Fang liao (屏東枋寮) through No. 1 Provincial Road. Enjoy the wind and magnificent view at afternoon (๑´ㅂ`๑)

15:33 p.m. arrived Ping Dong Feng Liao station. it’s surprised me that many vistors comes to here at Tuesday because i haven’t found any attractive places or anything else can attract such many people. Then i realized,… it’s such beautiful and peaceful ocean with crystal blue color i have ever seen in my life ,and it just located at Taiwan Feng Liao city. ヽ(・∀・)ノ

Due to check in is 4 p.m., i arrived here at 3 p.m. Just wandering around the harbor and choose a nice view restaurant “Pi coconut” . Their meals are pretty good and special but just a bit small. At Tuesday afternoon, i just seat at corner to enjoy the south Taiwan ocean and tasty steak to wait today’s sunset (´・ω・`)

Finish my dinner and go outside, i walk slowly along the beach with my bike

i just seat and wait…

Before night gets down…, i take my bike to iron hostel to check in.
i just arrived, host and his cat are so energetic to welcome my coming. (´∀`) Grapefruit and cookie are free for me as below picture and introduce how to use each facility in hostel. BTW, his cat jump on my bed and i try my best to grab her out of my bedroom. (´・ω・`) Otherwise she will sleep with me all night.

In backyard of iron hostel, there are hanging bed and deskヽ(・∀・)ノ There are many books and game/netflix guests can use it for free, and if you choose backpacking room, it only cost 500 NT per night.(・∀・)
Host is the person who is really willing to chat with guest, also he tell me he starts this hostel career after he resigned several years ago…. it must be a brave decision to make, at this moment, i am also choose my future in a maze since i quit my job this year.

【 Day7 Ping Dong Feng Liao屏東枋寮 ➡ Taitung Jin Lun hot spring town台東金崙溫泉小鎮】
9:00 a.m. Ping Dong Feng Liao 屏東枋寮 – 18:00 p.m. Taitung Jin L un台東金崙
Hotel:1360 NT (Taiung Jin Lun Yi Tian Wu Hot spring台東金崙一田屋溫泉)
Fodd and drinking:270 NT
Total distance:90 KM
Day 7 at cycling trip, today, i met the most beautiful ocean i have ever seen in my life. Now, suddenly, i realize why traverlers come to this small town -Feng liao.
Also, today is my favorite daytrip within all of cycling journeyヽ(・∀・)ノ
10:00 a.m. sleep until 7 a.m and wake up. Slowly ride my bike to Taiwan cycling No.1 route to Feng harbor(楓港), then i just shocked by the view in front of me !!

All the crystal blue ocean and this fabulous view company with traverlers along the coast with happyiness.

i can’t help but to stop and keep taking picture as like asian people will do.

In Feng liao city, it’s a cool city to gather all of travelers who would like to go to south because it’s only one place can go to Ping Dong Feng harbor(楓港), either to Ping Dong Heng Chun(恆春)or Taitung (台東)after harbor.

From this city, i start to meet lots of people who are like me who are traverling around Taiwan by bike or even by foot.

12:30 p.m. Start to ride on Taiwan province No.9 route. It’s a branchroad for Ping Dong Heng Chun(恆春)or Taitung (台東). Say goodbye to ocean and forward to mountain.

13:00 p.m. After pass by Dong pu elementary school, i choose Taiwan province No.9戊 route (九戊省道), due to Taiwan province No.9 route is not allowed for bicycle and scooter。 From No.9 戊, it can keep forward to Shou ka(壽卡)which is super hell for me afterward.

However, it’s my first time to feel it’s not easy and super tough in cycling trip….since from No.9戊 route. For a beginner, it’s almost impossible mission for me to ride on Shou Ka(壽卡)

14:00 p.m. arrived the highest point of Shou ka (壽卡)finally. I almost die when i arrived. Total takes 2 hours from bottom to here, it’s freaking tough and exhausting to ride bike here and everyone knows it’s impossible to passby this section if you want to do cycling Taiwan trip.

Here, highest point of Shou ka (壽卡), there is police office offering drinking water and restroom for free.

Here, i met a couple who are just cycling Taiwan by scooter, it’s funny that they totally doubted how people could ride bike from bottom to Shou Ka(壽卡)(◔ д◔) ,even it’s tough by scooter due to they seat on scooter too long caused butts too painful.

They told me that it will directly go downhill from highest point of Shou Ka(壽卡), and need to be careful any big truck around you. It was my first time to go such downhill here and it’s freaking me out because it’s steep for me ….
14:33 p.m. There is Wu Fu Shan Temple(五福山福德宮) on the way, it has magnificent view to see the Taitung’s ocean here and also severals cute cate staying here.

See Taiwan Province No.9 route from top, let’s go quickly to Taitung ヽ(・∀・)ノ

15:00 p.m. Arrived bottom of mountain, already leave away from Shou Ka (壽卡)for long…, keep going Taiwan province No.9 route and it’s a direction to Taitung Jin Lun(台東金崙)

Ocean in South Taitung has 2 type of crystal blue, it’s similar to Feng Liao and amzing still.

17:30 p.m. Arrived Jin lun small town(金崙) and time comes to sunset.
On the way from Shou ka to Jin Lun, there is Duo LIang(多良)station which is famous for the most beautiful station in Taiwan and always full of travelers.
After cycling south Taiwan, then you will experience more impressive view than Duo Liang…

18:00 p.m.Arrived Yi tian wu hot spring hotel.(一田屋溫泉),old but classical hot spring hotel and i really like it. Its smell make traveler relax and sleepy… . Hotel host told me that their room are totally unavailable yesterday during Mid-autumn festival, how lucky i am to come during weekday to enjoy this quiet moment…

Prepare beer and warm hot spring to relax… (๑´ㅂ`๑)

They ofter facial mask / cracker / razor/brush / slipper…etc.
At Jin Lun’s night, it’s so quiet and almost no one are walking outside. Temperature is a little bit low here so it’s even unnecessary to open air conditioner at this hot season September..

【 Day8 Taitung Jin Lun 台東金崙 ➡ Taitung Du Lan台東都蘭 】
11:30 a.m. Taitung Jin Lun 台東金崙 – 17:30 p.m. Taitung Du Lan 台東都蘭
Hostel: 405NT (Taitung Du Lan – traveler bug hostel)
Food and Drinking:600 NT
Total Distance:60 KM
Day8 at cycling trip, TODAY, i need to decide to go ” Taiwan No. 11 route along coast” OR ” Taiwan No.9 route along mountain” from Taiung to Hualien.
After long considering, i choose the coast route NO.11 becuase i never ride along such beautiful coast before in my life and maybe it’s last time to do cycling trip (´・ω・`)
7:00 a.m. In a morning, host give me a breakfast in a kraft paper bag and it’s still warm.
I decide to wander around this small town with my bike and breakfast.
First i come to Jin Lun red bridge and see the sunrising and enjoy the food.

Their breakfast are pretty delicious and different from other hotel. Rice are mixed with egg and mashroom and put into bamboo to simmer for long time.

In this small town, you can see ramdom steam from ground and smell hot spring
If you check it out carefully, then you will see boiled water under cover(・∀・)

Wander around small town and back to hotel for second time taking shower with hot spring, then time already comes to 11 a.m.

11:30 a.m. Departure from Yitianwu

Host are really nice to give me 2 freezing water and sweets as gift
Actually i asked for freezing water yesterday and they are totally okay to prepare for me.

At the beginning from Taitung to north Taiwan, wind starts to change from south to north which is meaning a lot for me. Riding bike against wind means speed will decrease a lot… . Season really starts to change to autumn and wind become from north direction.

12:00 p.m. in Taitung, many places are like Hawaii. Many palm tree and coast with sunshine…

Endless coconut

12:30 p.m. comes to restaurant for lunch. This beef noodle restaurant has strong air conditioner which makes me comfortable under this super hot weather.
This beef noodle is ok but i won’t recommend it.

14:30 p.m. Arrived center Taitung city, there are super many rice farm around it.

15:30 p.m. first destination of Taitung city, it’s smoothie store!
This store is called”Li hou bing guo shi” (哩厚冰果室) which chinese meaning is ” Hello, we are smoothie store!” i just order cantaloupe favor and only 150 NT! Their cantalopu is freezed but totally ok to chew and additional condensed milk on smoothie is amazing ヽ(・∀・)ノ

Besides cataloupe, they also have watermelon/strawberry/redbean/
mocha/seasame favor.

This store is opened by a brother and a sister, their old father is in charge of fruit quality and pick up at market with many experience, no wonder cataloupe is so tasty(´・ω・`)

16:40 p.m. from the way to Du Lan(都蘭), you can see Xiao Liuqiu(小琉球)are always above the sea and not away from you.

18:00 p.m. arrived traveler bug hostel, this 4 beds room is 400 NT/per night per person. I just met a girl who is being police for 10 years already and we both have nothing to do later so go to eat dinner together.

WA WA WA Da Gu noodle(哇哇哇大骨麵), is super tasky and juicy for pork and their hot spicy is good as well and only take 100 NT(*≧▽≦)

WA WA WA Da Gu noodle(哇哇哇大骨麵) is closed at 7:30 p.m. and it’s normal in Du Lan city(都蘭). So it’s necessary to come earlier except some bar restaurant.

After chatting with host and employee, i found they are many teenagers who are willing to do job here to exchange hotel living fee for free so they can enjoy “long” holiday without worrying about expensive hotel cost (even only 400 NT/per night)
It’s cool to stop and do nothing here and it’s not easy especially in Asian culture, in this culture, i feel everyone try to be busy to show other people “they are sucessful” ,and inversely do nothing is weird and not productive. However, we all know our life only have once, so just do it what you want becuase it’s your life.

Also, many foreigners come here to do surf and enjoy the beach and beer (・∀・)
Police girl and i just come to bar and talk all night about our life, and then i know there are many good restaurants around here and she already booked it. It’s such pity that i didn’t join with her tomorrow and enjoy the Taitung’s wind, Taitung’s ocean slowly…
Thanks her story and we gathering here at the same time, then i know more about Du Lan traveler bug hostel and this small town.

【 Day9 Taitung Du Lan台東都蘭 ➡ Bisili coast 台東比西里岸 】
11:00 a.m. Taitung Du Lan台東都蘭 – 16:00 p.m. Bisili Coast台東比西里岸
Hotel:1200 NT (Bixilian B&B)
Food and drinking: 400 NT
Total distance:40km
Breathtaking view all around the Taitung coast, today, i just ride my bike for 40 KM and take as slowly as i can to enjoy this blue sky and crystal ocean (・∀・)

At pretty early morning 6 a.m. , i just invite police girl to Du Lan coast to see the sunrise. I never see the sunrise in east of Taiwan, this place has no air pollution and all of nature is so pure.

In Taitung’s September, it’s super hot at early morning 7 a.m. (๑´ㅂ`๑) after i see the sunrise, i just came back to hostel and sleep again…. i found i become lazy day by day in this cycling trip.

11:35 a.m. say google to plice girl, i keep my journey to north. The first destination is Don Ho steamed bun (東河包子)but it’s quite normal and not so worthy to come (´・ω・`)

But they offer many seat near their store, you can enjoy the Taitung’s wind and quiet to seat and eat here.

12:37 p.m. passby Ma Wu river(馬武溪), it’s along the Pacific ocean

It’s totally like as heaven, magnificent view with clear sky

Bike lan with shadow

2 p.m. comes to Cheng gong town(成功鎮),in this town, not so much restaurant for single traveler, only 7-11 or soy bean pudding smoothie store can choose for lunch

3:30 p.m. come to Sanxiantai island (三仙台)which is called ” Bisili ” as well. This area belongs to indigenous tribe long time ago and Sanxiantai forms by several super small island which can be across by bridge.

In this season, north wind brings a lot humid with cold temperature comes to Taiwan in summer time caused to this kinds of cloud

4 P.M. comes to Bisili, i choose a Bisili B&B and 1200 NT per night

The greatest advantage to live here is you can see ocean just take 10 seconds walking out.

Host just remind me, if you haven’t eat dinner before 5 p.m, then you won’t find any restaurant open afterward. So i am totally in a hurry to find out restaurant for my important dinner with my super exhausting body and hungry belly.

It’s so quiet… and peaceful Pacific ocean ´・ᴗ・`

They are no so much travelers coming to Bisili island, i have no idea about it, maybe it’s due to weekday.

Let’s come to seafood store (*≧▽≦)

(๑´ㅂ`๑) i order the fish / tuna as like sushi and vegetable for my dinner

Host told me that she open hostel for half year, then will take a break for half year and so on. She is originally born from here and i can tell she is aboriginal from here as well. Final, i was joking that how to start hostel business as like she does, then she reply” please do normal job first, otherwise it’s impossible to start hostel business!” (×_×;)

This picture is Bisili’s sunrise at next day and also tomorrow is the toughest and most difficult part of cycling trip, not kidding.
【 Day10 Bisili coast 台東比西里岸 ➡ Hualien 花蓮】
6:20 a.m. Bisili coast 台東比西里岸 – 17:30 p.m. Hualien 花蓮
Hotel:0 NT (My family donate-romatic time hotel)
Food and drink: 200 NT
Total distance:114 km
Basically, it’s impossible for the person who don’t have exercise habit or the older to come for this cycling part. This section need to climb up 600 meter from bottom to cow mountain (牛山)by bike ヾ(*´∇`)ノ

My favorite part in today is seating at the coast and eat grilled sausage with drinking coconut, then face the wind from Pacific ocean. (・∀・)
Day10 i wake up at 4:30 a.m. i was eating the instant noodle with grapefruit as my breakfast. Okay, quite disgustiing, but you can’t force a single traveler to eat expensive buffet everyday during cycling trip.

Departure from 6 a.m. then 8:30 a.m. arrived Ba xian cave (八仙洞)which means there are eight gods liveing in cave. But who knows? (´・ω・`) But this spots is quite famous and cave is really magnificent when you closed to check it out.

Weather starts to change and north wind beome stronger day by day. Sun already covered by cloud and ocean becomes not so blue as before.

11:30 a.m. passby Feng Bin(豐濱)7-11, there are few restaurants located here.
I found a feature especially in Taitung/Hualien, it’s always cats and dogs wandering around , whether in store or street. People are totally fine with all lazy dog and cat company with them. If you like animal, i believe you will like here

2~3 p.m. starts to climb up, and it’s so bad that weather become raining !!

2 p.m. arrived Ba qi (芭崎風景區),there is hawker to sell food and drinking , also there is restroom for free . i just wait for heavy rain to stop , then i can start to ride.
Finally 3:45 p.m. i finish to passby cow mountain which is highest point of Taiwan province No.11 route. If you passby this tunner, it means you already pass by all the uphill roadヾ(*´∇`)ノ
Afterwards, i just ride my bike at flat or downhill road.

4:30 p.m. arrived farglory oceanpark , now i only want to take seat and relax (×□×;) but i afraid that i can’t get it before sun goes down…

Finally 6 p.m. arrived romatic time hotel, total 2200 NT for 3 person with breakfast, it’s quite clean.

Today i climb 650 meter and total distance is 114 km which is longest distance for me. BTW, my knee hurts a lot and super painful but it’s all okay at next day after a good sleep. i know i will take train from hualien to Yilan tomorrow so i am really happy about it. (๑´ㅂ`๑)
【 Day11 Hualien 花蓮 ➡ Yilan宜蘭 】
14:00 p.m. Hualien 花蓮 – 15:30 p.m. Yilan 宜蘭 (take bicycle train)
Hostel:680 NT (Hang Khau Hotel)
Food and drinking: 650 NT
Total distance:0公里
Finally, cycling trip comes to Hualien city. This journey comes to almost the end.
Today, i choose to take bicycle train from Hualien station to Yilan station, it helps me to escape 1000 meter uphill with many trucks might around you.
For a beginner, it’s much safe to take train for this section. Also, it’s fresh and interesting to take bike train to enjoy the view out of windows ヾ(*´∇`)ノ

Bike train seat is limited everyday, so it’s better to book before you take it. I have introduced it in the earlier part of this article.

Due to the bike train is always departure at 2:30 p.m. from Hualien station. So i company with my family to Malungayangay (七星潭)and check it out whether it has rose stone(with pink color) or not. Rose stone is famous to be generated in Hualien and often to find out in river/beach.

one way trip takes 335 NT from Hualien to Yilan (´・ω・`)

After i take train, i just suddenly fall asleep with super comfortable air conditioner…

After taking 1 hours train, i arrived Yilan and come to Hang khau hostel which is 800 NT/per night per person

When i walk out of hotel, there is classical bookstore just around the Yilan station Their decoration and so many books impressived me a lot (๑´ㅂ`๑)

I just pick a hotpot store(鬼椒一番鮮) and order 500 NT seafood hotpot.
Just like this, a single person during cycling trip, just eat whatever i want and wander wherever i like.

【 Day12 Yilan 宜蘭 ➡ Taipei 台北 】
8:30 a.m. Yilan宜蘭 – 18:00 p.m. Taipei台北
Hotel:0 NT (comes to home!!)
Food and drinking: 250 NT
Total distance:114 km
It’s really quick to come the end of cycling trip. I choose to go 106 route instead of Taiwan province No.9 route due to i want to ride along the beautiful coast. (・∀・)

9:30 a.m. arrived Wei ao beach(外澳沙灘)

10:30 a.m. arrived Dali temple(大里天公廟),it offer restroom for free. This place is also famous for hiking across new taipei city and Yilan.

11:30 a.m. arrived old Tsao ling tunnel(舊草嶺隧道), in this tunnel, you can enjoy the cold temperature in summer time which is such gift for bikers ,also, this tunnel were used by ancient people 200 years ago. Also, this way can directly shortcut to Fulong(福隆)

Arrived Fulong station(≧▽≦) in weekday, still so many vistors comes to enjoy beach and sunshine.

Time for lunch , below boxed lunch is famous in Fulong station.

From Fulong(福隆) to Shi fen(十分),it needs to climb 400 meter uphill through 106 route. But if you choose NO.9 route, it need to climb 1000 meter uphill instead. So i choose this 106 route (106鄉道) ヾ(*´∇`)ノ

3 p.m. arrived Ping Xi station(平溪車站), now i only want to back home quickly

5:00 p.m. arrived Taipei zoo, almost arrived my home…..

5:30 p.m. almost sunset, i choose the river park to ride (´・_・`)

6:00 p.m. finally i got my home, and return to Taipei Zhangho(中和)
This 12 days cycling Taiwan trip, besides it’s tough but interesting, i need to say thank you for my beloved family. They come to visit me and give me big support and care about me about my injury on the way. Everytime i feel i come homw when they were visiting me.

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