2021. 天氣晴時多雲
位於八連溪上游區域的內柑宅瀑布,泉水來自於陽明山山系,一路流至三芝白沙灣區域出海至太平洋,內柑宅瀑布水質乾淨冰涼,在夏日適合來玩溪水透心涼一下,秋天一到變轉紅的台灣楓樹點紅了步道,又名紅葉谷瀑布。兩度來訪,同樣探訪的人不多於一隊,這裏岔路偏多,看起來像路的溪谷也多,叢林密佈之下森林亮度一到下午就偏暗,沿路破碎石路多青苔極易打滑,潮濕的環境也很多螞蝗。對於初心者來說,走起來是會有相當難度的,雖然沿路有登山布條,但有許多條是指示往其他路線,像是很遠的蒿山 988m或者五腳松步道,來此玩賞必要下載離線地圖,不然必迷路 (´・ω・`) 可以參考我的另一篇網誌→學會如何操作登山離線地圖
Neiganzhai waterfall (內柑宅瀑布)is located above upstream of Balian river (八連溪)and flow all the way downstream to Pacific ocean. Water is freezing cold and super crystal clean, it’s originating from Yangming shan(陽明山). 18°C waterfull attracts vistors to come here in summer time , in contrast, leaves turns red during fall seanson so Neiganzhai waterall are called as red-leaves valley’s waterfall (紅葉谷瀑布)as well. I have visited here twice and every time only 1 group come here that we meet on the way, not so much people visit neiganzhai waterfall as i know. While there are several items needs to be noticed, 1. many branchroad on the way, 2. many valley on the way but it’s not trail 3. it’s pretty dark in late afternoon with dense forest, 4. Easy to fall down due to many stone moss, 5. Many blood sucker on the way. It’s advanced level for the beginner to visit this trail, better to download offline navigation app in advance to understand
trail track in map and you can use it to locate yourself by GPS during hiking, otherwise it might be getting lost in neiganzhai waterfall trail (´・ω・`)
拿出可測水溫的保溫瓶,撈起內柑宅瀑布的水一測,登登~居然有18度C (´∀`)
This thermos can measure water’s temperature and i just put the waterfall’s water inside. Can you guess how many degree for Neiganzhai waterall ? It’s 18°C (´∀`)
▶你可能有興趣的相關連結 Links you may interested in◀
• 【楓林瀑布】台北鹿角坑生態保護區|疊石指路的溪流步道
- 交通方式:開車或騎車前往三芝區北新路接中山路三段後,遇上民宅區進入轉青山路,
登山口位於青山路上,詳細請見下圖位置。 - 花費時間:3小時半
- 海拔:內柑宅瀑布 600 m
- 爬升高度:278 m
- 難度:☆☆☆
- 建議攜帶物品:頭燈/一公升以上用水/食物/登山杖
- Below items are the basic information for Neiganzhai waterfall
- Transportation: Drive to Beixin road(北新路)in Sanzhi district(三芝區), then turn to Zhongshan road sec.3 , you will meet Qing shan road with several houses. Trailhead just located at Qing shan road and please check below for detailed location .
- Spend time: 3 and half hours
- Elevation: Neiganzhai waterfall 600m
- Difference of elecation : 278 m
- Difficulty: ☆☆☆
- Carry-on items: headlamp / 1 liter water at least/ food/ trekikng pool
2:07 P.M. 抵達登山口,有許多布條在登山口處還有三芝區公所設立的警示牌告訴登山者路徑不佳要注意安全。從這裡進入後從頭到尾皆是林蔭密佈的森林,僅有登山口有強烈的陽光照射
2:07 p.m. arrive trailhead. Some signs and warning board are both located here to remind vistors. Dense forest shade the trail against sun light all the way, only trailhead has sunshine.
Country road is wide from Qing-shan road. You can see Zhuzi shan and Hao-shan both from the view of trailhead.
From the offline navigation map, track ascending gardually from elevation 350 meter to waterfall destination with elevation 600 meter. It’s takes 4.5 kilometer and will cross over Neiganzhai’s river on the way.
2:10 P.M. 遇上五腳松古道岔路口,不取繼續直行。
2:10 p.m. meet branchroad to Wujiaosong trail. Do not take it and keep going straight.
Wujiansong trailhead looks like ruin and messy weed grow everywhere, it’s seems like no people visit now.
2:22 P.M. 九芎情人座,路上遇到一九芎橫木,上頭有著很新的藍天隊告示牌。
2:22 p.m. Lagerstroemia subcostata was horizontal located at trail. There is really new sign writened down” this tree is called as Jiu Qiong seat for a couple”
Trail is pretty easily to walk on it before arrived neiganzhai river and many shadow on the way.
2:39 p.m. 抵達涉溪處,這邊的溪水已經相當乾淨清徹,接下來要跨越石頭與溪水到對面的山路繼續走。 接下來的山徑會開始變相當狹窄並為碎石頭青苔路,艱辛的路從這邊開始。
2:39 p.m. arrived the Neiganzhai river, it need to directly across the river to following trail. After here, track will become narrow with stone moss and keep go uphill difficultly.
Haven’t 3 p.m. in Neiganzhai trail, trail have become pretty dark and unclear. Also, before arived Neiganzhai waterfall, it will be many branchroad need to be turned left or right, better to remember it.
3:40 P.M. 菁礐遺址,早期居民在這裡製作藍染的遺址,從現在的山徑也可以發現不少的藍染植物(大菁)又稱馬藍,四處長在路徑兩旁。
3:40 p.m. arrive Jingque ruin(菁礐遺址), it was construction here to produce pigment of blue color by Strobilanthesformosanus Moore (大菁)plant. They are many this kinds of plant here on the way.
Left picture is Jingque ruin(菁礐遺址) and few stacking stone by human can be found here. Right picture is Strobilanthesformosanus Moore (大菁)plant which can very often to see along the trail.
3:50 P.M.到達內柑宅瀑布,清澈的瀑布水剛好可以一洗一路上爬升的汗水(๑´ㅂ`๑)
3:50 p.m. arrive Neiganzhai waterfall, crystal clean water is super good and cold for summer’s weather to wash body (๑´ㅂ`๑)
It’s said that we only takes 20 minutes break here and prepare to return back because it’s already too late and getting dark in afternoon with cloudy weather. While it’s extremly different compared to freeezing cold waterfall and super hot weather in Taipei.
5:45 p.m.回到登山口,山徑已經昏暗到需要戴上頭燈。
5:45 p.m. back to trailhead, we wear headlamp during backing to trailhead due to it’s too dark along the way.
這一趟來回4.5K紅葉谷瀑布之行,從地圖上來看雖然緩升且長度一般,但因為路徑溼滑還要過溪跨越無數碎石才能抵達,需要一定程度的體力耐心以及對路線的了解。其實不太適合老人家或小朋友來爬,能的話還是由有經驗的人帶領喔 (´・ω・`)
This 4.5 K red-leaves valley’s waterfall hiking trip, it seems like easy trail but actually it’s not. Endless stone with moss you need to across, advanced hiking skill with patient is needed and understand how is the track going. Not recommened for older people and children to visit if no experienced people to lead (´・ω・`)
Thank you for your attention and welcome to subscribe and any response (・∀・)