2021.5.9 天氣晴
▶你可能有興趣的相關連結 Links you may interested in◀
• 【西勢水庫&西勢坑古道】基隆暖暖的環湖溪流步道
• 【八個臺北環湖步道】湖景步道景點
- 交通方式:自行騎車開車到翠峰路85巷底 (請參考以下登山地圖)
- 花費時間:2 小時 (翠峰路85巷登山口->赤腳蘭山->石碇後山->赤腳蘭山->登山口)
- 海拔高度:石碇後山 656m, 赤腳蘭山 640m
- 爬升高度:150 m
- 難度:☆
- 建議攜帶物品:防曬帽/一公升用水/食物
2021.5.9 Sunny day
Shiding hu shan(石碇後山) is located in the north of Fei-ts’ui dam(翡翠水庫), it’s clear to see main water reservoir providing people live in Taipei and endless mountains surrounding with you at summit. Also, Jiu ji shan(九紀山)and A Yu shan(阿玉山)both can be seen at summit as well which are famous for dry season visit only and hiking club gathering party ,respectively. Fortunately, Lan tian hiking club just visit here currently to clean up trail, they usually clean up Taipei hiking trail when they pass by it and famous for it. This trail is really not long to reach the summit with pretty clear trail instruction. It’s worthy and impressive for you if you like quiet environment to enjoy wonderful lake view !(・∀・)/
- Below items are basic information for Shiding hu shan
- Transportation:Drive to the end of 85 lane, Cuifeng road (Please check below map)
- Spend time:2 hours(Trailhead at 85 lane,Cuifeng road-> Chijiao-lan shan(赤腳蘭山)-> Shiding-hu shan(石碇後山)-> Chijiao-Lan shan (赤腳蘭山) -> Trailhead)
- Elevation:Shiding-hu shan 656 m, Chijiao-lan shan 640 m
- Difference in elevation : 150m
- Difficulty:☆
- Carry-on items: Bonnie/ 1 liter water/food

11:30 a.m. 到達登山口,旁邊是一個整理得很乾淨的小農園,入口處安插了幾株楓樹,在五月中的台灣夏日,這邊吹來的風是涼快的~
11:30 a.m. arrived to trailhead, there is small and well-arrangement farm just near by it with few maple tree at entrance. Wind blowing in summer season is really enjoyable especially in terrible hot weather of Taiwan.

Trailhead is near the farm with the sign pointing to trail direction.´・ᴗ・`

剛開始的山路平緩好走,沿路像是被整理好的寬廣森林山徑,可惜有許多小飛蟲會沿路尾隨產生嗡嗡嗡的聲音( >д<)
Trail gradually ascent at the beginning, it seems organized and pulled out the weeds already helping hiker to walk along trail easily. While many little bug make noise all the way( >д<)
11:43 a.m.到達三岔路口,分別前往鳥嘴尖,暗寶劍山,赤腳蘭山與石碇後山
Pear我預計這趟經過赤腳蘭山與石碇後山而不取另兩座,根據近期山友遊記 [1]於今年四月底參訪過鳥嘴尖與暗寶劍山,因為樹叢遮擋導致展望不如石碇後山,故不取
11:43 a.m. arrive branchroad to Niao-zui JIan(鳥嘴尖), Anbao-jian shan(暗寶劍山), Chijiao-lan shan(赤腳蘭山) and Shiding-hu shan (石碇後山)
Plan to visit Chijiao-lan shan(赤腳蘭山) and Shiding-hu shan (石碇後山)only because there is no excellent view at another 2 peak ,Niao-zui JIan(鳥嘴尖), Anbao-jian shan(暗寶劍山) based on the hiking daily blog[1] documented by other hiker.

Take the trail at left side to Shiding-hu shan(石碇後山)and Chijiao-lan shan(赤腳蘭山), trail will be steeply ascend after branchroad with bamboo on both side. Here you don’t need to worry about the direction because there are clear sign to tell you the direction as below left picture.

11:53 a.m.到達赤腳蘭山,無基石無展望,有一片平地可供休息,不過也沒花多少時間到這裡就繼續續行了(´・ω・`) 總不能走10分鐘就休息10分鐘,繼續往石碇南山出發~
11:53 a.m. arrived to Chijian-lan shan(赤腳蘭山)with no triangulation and no view here but flat terrain. Keep going to Shiding-hu shan without taking rest!(´・ω・`)

From Chijiao-lan shan to Shiding-hu shan, it will be some fake summit on the way which need to endless ascent and rappelling again and again.

Trail will be slightly tilted before arrived to summit, road become small and difficult to find out where can safely landed.

12:20 p.m.到達石碇後山山頂(・∀・) 經過一小條的山徑就會有很寬廣的山景囉!
12:20 p.m. arrived to summit of Shiding-hu shan (石碇後山)(・∀・) after passed by little ascending trail~

前方就是翡翠水庫湖景,Pear我當初會得知這個景點是有一次去造訪石碇雙峰路上的雞心尖,在無人的山頂上坐著休息時,有一位獨行的大叔突然出現了,聊到他前陣子從從中嶺山連走暗寶劍山以及直潭山縱走,當中的石碇後山風景讓他印象很深刻,驚呼了很多次,於是就決定來看看(≧▽≦) 果不其然不讓人失望的風景加上安靜的山徑,很適合天氣涼爽來踏青~
Fei-ts’ui reservoir great view is in front of you when you arrived to summit. Actually i got to know this Shiding-hu shan information from a man who hike alone at Jixin-jian(雞心尖), he told me there is fabulous view at summit of Shiding-hu shan and you must visit it. He was walking from Zhong-ling shan(中嶺山),Anbao-jiao shan(暗寶劍山)and Zhi-tan Shan(直潭山)at 1 day long trail hiking. Shiding-Hu shan surprised me a lot truly with quiet and magnificent lake view (≧▽≦)
Also, the road driving to Shiding-hu shan trailhead will pass by the Shuang-Feng road(雙峰路)which are the one of trailhead to Jixin-jian(雞心尖)!This year 2021 Lan-tian hiking club have visit it as well to pull out weeds as well, it’s challenging and adventurous trail with no view at summit.

The small mountain at front of below picture is Jin-ji Shan(九紀山), it only can visit during dry season and takes about 6 – 10 hours hiking[2][3] with tough trail with many weeds around you. It’s really respectful to those who have been visited Jin-ji Shan (。_。)


13:30 p.m.返回到登山口處休息,雖然出口處很陰涼也無蚊蟲,但台灣五天的天氣還是讓人想泡個冰涼溪水~
13:30 p.m. back to trailhead. In May season of Taiwan, cold river and freezing water is really attractive to me in this kinds of super hot weather.
Decide to go Jia-Jiu-Liao(加九寮)in Wu lai (烏來)from Taiwan number nine highway, it was super many people coming to enjoy swimming several years ago before typhoon destroying Jia-Jiu Liao. In contrast, only few people come here and really easy to find a quiet space to enjoy a holiday afternoon in summer day (*≧▽≦).

以下是整趟旅程的海拔變化紀錄影片,Below video are hiking trip vlog.