【中和圓通寺步道】天然一線天石洞與百年大榕樹 (Natural cave and Century Tree- Yuan Tong Temple’s Trail)

從新北土城一帶的天上山-承天禪寺接續到中和南勢角山有個很有趣的特性,走一段路就會有健身娛樂設施單槓與盪鞦韆還有大輪胎可以躺拉拉筋,還有數不清的小土地公廟。Pear我小時候在土城長大,看到這樣山路總是覺得特別熟悉(´・ω・`) 每逢暑假總是會帶著一罐冰了整夜的飲料冰沙上到土城承天禪寺爬個山,玩一輪健身設施才下了山。

Since 1926 year of Japanese Colonial Period, Yuan-tong temple (圓通寺) have built at the south of Zhang-he distinct (中和區) in New Taipei City a hundred year ago Yuan-tong temple’s trail(圓通寺步道) is a well-organizied trail, natural cave, badminton court hiding in mountains , a varity of fitness facility and century tree are all waiting for your explore here and definitely impressive every visitors with this multiple development trail. This trail is basic level for hikers and easy to visit (・∀・)
It’s common to see the similar fitness facility setup at the trail of mountains along Tu-cheng distinct(土城區)to Zhang-he District (中和區), for example, hanging bars, swing and slide along the trail. Also, traditional temple – Tu Di Gong (土地公)is the god of the land, it’s frequently seen in this region. Since i was child and grow up in Tu-Cheng Distinct(土城區) , i often go hiking in Tu-cheng Distinct’s trail and really enjoyable with a bottle of iced soda and fitness facility in summer time. (´・ω・`)

在圓通寺旁的一線天石洞, Natural cave is around Yuan-Tong Temple
沿路上的盪鞦韆與溜滑梯, Swing and slide along the trail
步道上常有這樣的單槓設施,還有遮蔭的屋頂, Hanging bars fitness facility is frequently seen on trail
From the view of Yuan-Tong temple

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• 【新竹五指山】神秘猴洞一線天與五指連峰



  • 交通資訊:
  • 1.中和復興國小上圓通寺步道:可搭乘橘2至游氏宗祠站下車,走路至復興路301巷底即見到登山口,也可以騎車開車到復興路301巷。 此走法會行經國旗嶺與鄧公嶺,也是筆者的走法。
  • 2.中和樂天宮上圓通寺步道:自行開車騎車去中興街237巷路底見樂天宮,也有登山步道口。
  • 3.中和圓通寺直上圓通寺步道:自行開車騎車去圓通路367巷路底,即見到圓通寺。往寺廟進去可以見到登山路口。
  • 花費時間:筆者選擇復興國小上圓通寺,花費三小時
  • 海拔高度:圓通禪寺180m
  • 海拔落差:237 m
  • 建議攜帶物品:防曬帽/一公升以上用水/零食

→12:14 p.m. 復興國小登山口
→12:52 p.m. 國旗嶺
→13:12 p.m. 百年雀榕樹
→13:20 p.m. 鄧公嶺
→13:36 p.m. 仁慈寺
→13:51 p.m. 一線天
→14:05 p.m. 中和圓通寺
→15:10 p.m. 復興國小登山口

Detailed Schedule:
→12:14 p.m. Fu-Xing elementary school
→12:52 p.m. Guo-Chi Ling (國旗嶺)
→13:12 p.m. Century tree
→13:20 p.m. Deng-Gung Ling (鄧公嶺)
→13:36 p.m. Ren-Tsz temple (仁慈寺)
→13:51 p.m. Natural cave (一線天)
→14:05 p.m. Yuan-Tong temple(圓通寺)
→15:10 p.m. Fu-Xing elementary school

  • Below items are basic information of Yuan-Tong temple,
  • Transportation:
    1. From Fu-Xing elementary school (復興國小), go to right side of entrance to the end and then turn left , you will see the trailhead. Or just search 301 lane, Fu-xing road (復興路301巷).
    2. From Le-tian temple (樂天宮): you can search 237 lane, Zhang-xing street (中興街237巷) or Le-tian temple (樂天宮), one of trailhead is located here as well.
    3. From Yuan-Tong temple (圓通寺):You can search 367 lane, Yuan-tong road (圓通路367巷)
  • Spending time: 3 hours ( i choose the trail from Fu-Xing elementary school)
  • Elevation: Yuan-Tong temple 180 m
  • Difference of elevation: 237 m
  • Recommended carry-on items: Boonie / 1 liter water / food




If chose to go hiking from Fu-Xing elementary school, it need to turn right side when you face to the entrance of schoole, then turn left to the end of lane.

復興國小右側巷底, right side of Fu-Xing elementary school

12:14 p.m. 抵達登山口,登山口明顯可認有一清楚告示牌寫圓通寺登山步道。

12:14 p.m. arrived trailhead, it’s clear to see the sign just located here to show “Yuan-Tong temple trail guide”.


12:20 p.m. 到達岔路口,右行前往中和樂天宮與中興公園,不取,繼續直行往國旗嶺。沿路有許多的白色椅子提供路人休息,非常貼心。

12:20 p.m. arrived branchroad. Will reach to Le-tian temple and Zhang-Xin park if chose right side. Keep going straight to Yuan-Tong temple (圓通寺)and Guo-chi ling (國旗嶺) . There are many white benches for visitors to take rest.


12:27 到達迎日石三岔路,左方有一迎日石,右方續行往國旗嶺與圓通寺。

12:27 p.m. arrived branchroad, the road to left side will be Ying-ri stone which chinese meaning is a rock facing the sunlight. Choose the right side to Yuan-Tong temple (圓通寺)and Guo-chi ling(國旗嶺).



Ying-ri stone is quite huge and this area is super hot at noon.


沿路的石階鋪設完整非常好走,大部分路段都有樹林遮蔭不會太曬,但夏日來訪還是十分炎熱(ꐦ ಠ皿ಠ ),沒走一下子就滿身汗了,雖然與市區相比起來,步道還是稍微涼快有空不那麼悶~

This trail is quite easy and comfortable to walk for hiker, most of area shade by bunch of trees. While in summmer time of Taipei especially, it’s too humid and getting sweating easily even many shawdow along the way.(ꐦ ಠ皿ಠ )



There are pretty much benches along the trail, you don’t need to worry about no places to take rest.(・∀・)


12:40 p.m. 遇上陡上階梯,這邊只要上到國旗嶺後,就幾乎到稜線上了,接下來只要稜線上走很輕鬆。

12:40 p.m. arrived the places having many rocky ladders, it will reach summit soon if pass here.


12:47 p.m. 岔路口,左方的入口牌子有清楚寫著取左行可前往國旗嶺方向,左方牌子下方寫著:『啟窗日日見青山,山色青青不改顏,我問青山何日老,青山問我幾時間』取國旗嶺方向,後續一樣可以接到圓通寺步道。

12:47 p.m. arrived branchroad again, the sign at left side just mark the direction of Guo-chi ling (國旗嶺). This sign has a poem below it. Choose left side to go Guo-Chi ling, this way can reach to Yuan-Tong temple as well.


12:52 到達國旗嶺,旁邊有個束起的國旗台,不知道什麼時候國旗才會被打開在這裡飄揚。

12:52 p.m. arrived Guo-Chi ling(國旗嶺), there is a national flag platform just near here but it doesn’t open it and blowing by wind.

國旗嶺 Guo-Chi ling

國旗嶺上有一個很像鳥的小雕像,這種鳥時常在中和地區看到,而且發出的聲音很固定:『咕咕, 咕~~~ 咕咕, 咕~~~~』

Non-opening national flag
There is statue as like bird at Guo-chi ling, bottom figure is for comparison

13:11 p.m. 國旗嶺續行往下走,接到百年雀榕榕樹,根據告示牌所說,在幾十年前這裡具有煤礦礦坑,於是在樹下建了土地公以祈求平安,而這棵樹有360年以上的歷史,數十年前議員為了要提供中和居民一塊好地方爬山休憩,花費幾百萬元鋪磚修整,才有了現在這麼完整的步道跟周圍運動設施。

13:11 p.m. keep going straight after departured from Guo-chi ling(國旗嶺). Huge century tree just stand in front of me after couple minutes departured from Guo-chi ling. From the information of travel guide, this tree has 360 years old and here is especially for people to take rest for whom come here to work in coal mining industry several decades ago. Because coal mining industry is around this mountains area, Tu-Di Gong (土地公)temple just built below this century tree for praying and peace. Parliamentary representative even spend million money to repair the trail here for resident of Zhang-he distinct.

Tu-Di Gong temple below century tree, drinking water is free here.

沿著土地公旁的小路往下走,可以看到盪鞦韆/ 單槓/ 健身用的輪胎/ 溜滑梯,甚至還有帆布拉起的羽球場,從外側完全看不出來有這樣的世外桃源,越走越驚艷。裡頭有著徐風吹來加上帆布遮蔭,在這邊休息也很舒適。

From the branchroad of Tu-Di Gong temple, badminton court hiding in mountains and a varity of fitness facility both can seen here. It’s unbelievable that this trail can have a small “playground” insides it. It’s pretty comfortble and interesting to stay here and enjoy wind.

Badminton court and spectators seating
Swing and slide

13:20 鄧公嶺,石碑上寫著在幾十年前有一位鄧公老先生時常來此爬山,雖然一把年紀了但看起來相當年輕擁有童顏且箭布如飛,後來以此為紀念。

13:20 arrived Deng gong ling(鄧公嶺), Deng gong ling has a old stele here and a short article mark on it which describes an older man frequenctly visit here and he has totally oppsite behavior against his age, he looks very young and always walking very fast that not like as old man. So people build a “Deng gong” stele here for monument which name is exactly as older man is.

Deng gong ling


Onion-like Stone is often observed along the trail and there is a sign talking about it. Its texture is like as onion with muitiple layer and easy to breake it and this kinds of stone is consist of volcanic ash with 2 mm of diameter.[2]

洋蔥狀石  Onion-like stone
洋蔥狀石  Onion-like stone
洋蔥狀石 Onion-like stone


Giant Tu-di gong(土地公)of Heng-lu-di(洪爐地)can clear seen on the way to Yuan-Tong temple! (・∀・)


Ren-ci temple (仁慈寺)just on the way to Yuan-Tong temple(圓通寺), there is bird house and grapfruit tree would pass by along the trail. If now it is September, grapfruit will be the right season to eat! I think i can’t help but to steal fruit in this no one here situation in the right season (*≧▽≦)

13:36 p.m. 下一段長樓梯後到達仁慈寺,一到達時這邊為一大片的草地,不取直行往右轉,可以見到圓通寺步道的指示標誌。 經過香爐後就要右轉,登山指示牌子就在眼前。

13:36 P.M. Arrived Ren-ci temple (仁慈寺). Turn to right side after pass by temple, will see the trail guide map to show direction of Yuan-Tong temple.

Ren-ci temple

13:42 p.m. 到達往圓通寺三岔路口,取直行往玉皇宮(有很兇的黑狗)與慈雲寺,取右邊的路,一條往一線天另一條往圓通寺。我先往一線天的路線再走圓通寺回來,路上可以遇到些許的健身器材。

13:42 p.m. arrived branchroad. Choose the right side to natural cave or Yuan-Tong temple. There will be 2 way at the right side, one is directly to natural cave and another is directly to Yuan-Tong temple but both can reach to the same place. If choose to go straight, will meet the Yu-huang temple (玉皇宮) and there are 3 horrible dogs staying there to warn people to come in.

三岔路 Branchroad
健身器材 Fitness facility
Branchroad, will reach Yu-huang temple if go straight, turn right side to go Yuan-tong temple

13:52 p.m. 從剛才往一線天的路不斷直行就可以直達一線天,一個地底山洞就直接出現在你面前,就像RPG遊戲有許多地道一樣(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ 往裡頭看是很黑的石洞,上頭有幾道裂縫穿透了陽光進來讓人可以正常行走。

13:52 p.m. arrived natural cave, it looks pretty dark from outside and while it’s easy to walk inside with the sunlight from stone slit. It’s just like cave underground in RPG game for further adventure (~ ̄▽ ̄)~


穿出石洞後,就會發現上方有著相當多的巨石形成的山壁,只想快速通過這裡(⊙ꇴ⊙) 而出了石洞後右方還有一隻石獅雕像有人供奉著。

After pass through cave, giant steep wall just appearing in front of you and i just would like to leave here as soon as possilbe to avoid rock falling down (⊙ꇴ⊙)
Also, there is lion-like stone located here for pray by local people.

Natural cave


Giant steep wall just near the natural cave (⊙ꇴ⊙)

14:05 p.m. 到達圓通寺,圓通寺是少數只專收女比丘尼的寺廟,寺內可以見到居住所寫著:『男賓止步』的字樣,除此之外,圓通寺還是熱門的拍片景點,像是“桃花小妹”, “倚天屠龍記”, “幾度夕陽紅”, 而寺廟的建築風格採用日本,台灣與西洋兼具的設計與淺色大理石建材而顯得跟大部分台灣宮廟有明顯的差異。

14:05 p.m. arrive Yuan-tong temple(圓通寺), this temple is particular for women buddhist nun and not accept monk. Their dorm inside temple has a paper mark that remind visitors do not come into if gender is male. On the other hand, Yuan-Tong temple is a popular spot to make film, for example, the episode of “MoMoKO Love”, “The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Saber” and “Many Enchanting Nights” had taken film here. This temple’s construction is combined with Japanese/Taiwan/Western style and use light color marble which is totally differenct the style of Taiwan traditional temple.

Yuan-Tong temple


It is fabulous view and wide from Yuan-Tong temple! Compared to Heng-Lu-Di(洪爐地), Heng-Lu-Di has much wider view but much more people visiting there. In contrast, Yuan-Tong temple is more quiet and you can stay here to enjoy scenary without other people bothering. Also, the night view is fascinating here!(´・∀・`)


2:10 p.m. 繞去圓通寺後方接圓通寺步道返程

2:10 p.m. back to trail behind the Yuan-Tong temple.

3:10 p.m. 回到復興國小登山口




3:10 p.m. back to Fu-Xin elementary school,

There are many olders and people just get together here, using fitness facility and chating with their friend happily or take rest seating on bench to enjoy their afternoon. It’s said that Yang-Ming Shan(陽明山)is backyard of people lived in Taipei, then Yuan-Tong temple’s (圓通寺)trail should be a secret backyard of people lived in Zhang-he distinct(中和區).

Hope you enjoy reading my blog, welcome to leave message or any !(・∀・)



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