這是一處平緩行進的山路搭配石階路爬升下降,適合初心者與親子同遊欣賞大自然與溪中小生物(・∀・) 在台北爬了幾年郊山,坪頂古圳步道真心推薦給大家,除了溪水乾淨外的優點,當地的水圳實屬具有歷史特色的建物並帶有娛樂性質,易留下好印象與記憶。
Freezing cold water keep coming out from pingding canel and waterfall, small fish and shrimp both are swimming at canel, this hiking trail is located at the mountain of Taipei Nei shaung Xi (內雙溪)with low-humid and comfortable environment.
There are 3 canels providing drinking water to Pingding (坪頂) distinct’s resident , it’s better to maintain canel cleanness during hiking and take away trash. PingDing is a old name of Ping Deng viliage(平等里)and Chinese meaning of which is a flat terrain at high altitude. In order to collect more water to be farming and daily use for people drinking for more and more ancient coming to Taipei hundreds years ago, 3 ancient cacel were bulit here. In 1835 , first canel “PingDing ancient canel” (坪頂古圳)was built and distance is 3 kilometer long.
This trail is gradually ascending hiking trail with well constructed ladder. It’s basic level for beginner and suitable for family to come. Nature with small creature, fish and shrimp must be exciting to many children.(・∀・) It’s really worthy and impressive to come to PingDing canel and you can enjoy this historical canel hiking trail and nice cold water in summer time !

Nature waterpool in branchroad of Pingding ancient canel and Pingding new canel

Save Beetle from canel, beetle was holding branches tightly in water

Canel was along hiking trail

Waterfall coming out from rock cave

Clean canel
▶你可能有興趣的相關連結 Links you may interested in◀
• 【熊空紅河谷越嶺古道】穿越烏來與三峽的清涼溪流步道
• 【楓林瀑布】台北鹿角坑生態保護區|疊石指路的溪流步道
坪頂古圳步道基本資料 Basic information
- 交通方式:
3.萬溪支線產業道路:搭乘市民小巴1到“頂山”站,步行數分鐘到坪頂古圳登山口,或者騎車開車到“頂山庭院咖啡”,登山口在旁邊。 - 花費時間:4 小時 (至善路三段370巷登山口 →坪頂古圳步道 →內雙溪古道 → 走坪頂新圳步道回來 →接坪頂古圳石梯步道 → 遇上往萬溪產業道路不取續行 → 走回至善路三段370巷巷底)
- 海拔高度:最高海拔 487 公尺
- 海拔差異:300 公尺
- 難度:✩
- 建議攜帶物品:一公升以上用水/零食
- Transportation:
1.From Zhi Shan road sec3. trailhead (至善路三段):Drive to Zhi Shan road sec.3 or take bus small 18 and get off at “PingDing ancient canel trail entrance” station(坪頂古圳步道口), then take 3 minutes to walk to trailhead or walking to the end of Zhi Shan road sec.3 which is another trailhead as well.
2.PingJing street trailhead(平菁街): Drive to PingJing street 95 ln. or take bus – small 19 and get off at “nei cuo” station(內厝站)and take 8 minutes to walk to trailhead.
3.Wan xi zhi xian road trailhead(萬溪支線產業道路):Drive to Wan xi zhi xian road or Ding shan cafe store, which trailhead just near cafe store. Or you can take taipei bus 1 to Ding shan station. - Spending time: 4 hour
- Elevation: Highest elevation 487 meter.
- The difference of elevation: 300 meter.
- Difficulty: ✩
- Recommened to carry on item: 1 liter water/ food.
登山路線地圖 Hiking Map

▶ 12:56 p.m 抵達登山口,路口在至善路三段370巷路上,此段古圳步道也叫大崎頭步道。
中午時間點過來,附近已經有許多車輛臨停在路邊,夏日炎熱的時候坪頂古圳步道算是一個相當知名的景點,倘若開車來的可能需要找一下停車位,這邊沒有專門的停車場~開上去小路只會越來越窄 (´・ω・`)
從大崎頭步道開始走 ,過一會兒就會走進竹林步道裡遮蔭又涼快,總共會爬升約200m到有水圳伴隨的步道。
12:56 p.m. arrvied trailhead, it’s located at the Zhi Shan road sec3, 370 ln and trail sign will be your left side. Many cars just parking on the both side of Zhi shan road here implying many people have come here, i guess their destination is the same as mine – Pingding ancient canel trail. It’s seems very popular spot in summer time but no parking lot here.
Departure from this trailhead, bamboo forest will be in front of you after a while and terrain will ascend 200 meter before arrived canel.

Trail Guide of Ping ding canel hiking trail
Wide and huge terraces and crop along the way to Canel hiking trail. Mountain view is awesome when you look back (・∀・)

13:30 抵達民宅交岔路口,經過兩三家住家後,會有一座登山指示牌,此處往左轉續行登山步道,不要直走往產業道路走喔! 不過故意走錯往產業道路走會遇到一座小瀑布,可以清洗一下剛才一路爬升的汗水很剛好 (๑´ㅂ`๑)
13:30 p.m. arrived the branchroad of residence, turn left to PingDing ancient canel trail as usual and trail guide is located here. It’s obvious to turn left. If you keep going straigt here instead of turning left, will see a small waterfull and go to another road with wrong direction but you can clean up sweaty body yourself. (๑´ㅂ`๑)

If choose to wrong direction, you will see a small waterfall here on the left side~

13:36 走回剛剛的叉路口左行,續行步道往上,一路上會遇到相當多的竹林,有當地人在挖竹筍還在登山口附近販賣新鮮農作物。雖然陡升階梯讓人軟腳,但是沿路的徐風跟涼爽溫度跟市區比起來相當舒服。(*≧▽≦)
13:36 p.m. back to branchraod after cleaned up myself (*≧▽≦). Inside bamboo forest with cold wind , it’s pretty comfortable even rocky stairs is super long and seems endless.

Endless stair

Seems like old water reservoir

Bamboo forest
14:00 行經鵝尾山岔路,上頭標示4/4/2021藍天隊來開過路,目前2021七月看起來路徑還相當清晰,改天再來挑戰,今天炎炎夏日還是趕緊去踏踏水,繼續續行~
14:00 p.m. pass by E-Wei Shan(鵝尾山)trailhead, keep straight to Pingding canel trail. E-wei shan trailhead has a mark sign with a word”2021/4/4″ which seems like Lan-tian club(藍天隊) have coming here to clean up trail. This club is famous in Taipei due to they often clean up weed along trail helping hikers to go hiking smoothly.

E-Wei Shan Mark sign with Lan tian club-2021/4

it’s seems trail have just cleaned up for E- Wei shan
不取鵝尾山續行,14:04 p.m. 抵達往坪頂古圳步道岔路,圖中的話是往左行,左上角是原來的路。
14:04 P.M. Arroved the branchroad of Pingding canel hiking trail and ping-jin street (平菁街).
From the below picture, need to turn left to keep going Pingding canel trail. If choose the right side of below picture, will go the Ping-Jin street trailhead(平菁街登山口). And there is small trail at the backside of this picture, it’s Ma Jiao ancient trail (瑪礁古道)

1.2 KM to PingDing ancient canel trail

Go downstairs to Pingding ancient canel trail from branchroad
14:08 p.m. 即抵達坪頂古圳, 入口處有座水閘門寫著『坪頂古圳』的字樣。
坪頂是平等里的老地名,指一處位於高處的平坦地。這裡有兩條古圳以坪頂為名,一座叫坪頂新圳,另一條在這裡的就是坪頂古圳。 這座古圳的修建追遡到坪頂地區的開墾歷史,最早移民是從乾隆六年1741年開始,由先民何士蘭,陳促,林臣度等人先後抵達開墾,人口增多後為了飲水及灌溉開始修建古圳,在1835年完工。 長度三公里,還包含一條長達60公尺的隧道,隧道口上便有坪頂古圳的字(即下方照片的四字)。 –摘自當地看板
14:08 p.m. arrived Pingding ancient canel, there is mark “坪頂古圳“ characters on it.
PingDing is old name of Ping Deng village which means flat terrain at high elevation. Here are 2 ancient canel called as PingDing canel, one is PingDing ancient canel(坪頂古圳) and the another one is PingDing new canel.(坪頂新圳)Both canels were built hundreds years ago due to the growth of population in Pingding distinct and more farm and crop need well-constructed canel. PingDing ancient canel completed in 1835 and 3 kilometer long with 60 meters long tunnel.
– quote from local trail guide

古圳到目前已經有186年了,但仍然供應平等里的灌溉飲水,可見隧道口一旁寫著『請勿洗腳』的字樣 (・∀・)
PingDing ancient canel is already 186 years old but still keep providing drinking water to resident lived in Ping Ding distinct. “Do not wash your foot” mark just stick on wall near Pingding canel tunnel entrance. (・∀・)

Many fish and shrimp in clean water

14:18 p.m. 抵達岔路口,直行繼續走坪頂古圳古道,右轉岔路可以前往坪頂新圳與登峰圳。
14:18 p.m. arrived the branchroad. Keep straight to the upstream of Pingding canel. if turn right here, will go to Pingding new canel (坪頂新圳)and Deng Feng canel (登峰圳).

Canel is full of clean water

From one side of trail, you can see the mountain far away from you
14:45 p.m. 抵達岔路口。
14:45 p.m. arrived branchroad.
Do to enter the gate and choose small trail on the right side. Not sure anybody lived inside behide the gate.´・ᴗ・`
Take the small trail at right side and go down to stream.

15:00 p.m. 下切到往坪頂新圳岔路口,這邊有很乾淨的泉水池跟超多小魚。
15:00 p.m. arrived the branchroad to PingDing new canel, there are many fish and super cold/clean water here. Even it’s super hot with 37 celcius degree in Taipei city but in PingDing canel trail still comfortable and not sweaty all the time.(・∀・)

Clean stream

Upstream of PingDing new canel, many stream form a waterpool.
There are many “Candidia barbata” fish in stream, many of which is typical common to see in Taiwan.

15:50 p.m.續行,於剛剛的泉水處過溪後到對面的竹林裡往下游方向走,繼續前往即可抵達坪頂新圳步道。
15:50 p.m. keep going PingDing new canel trail. After pass by the waterpool spot, need to across the river to downstream direction and arrive PingDing new canel trail.

Beetle just hold tightly on branches and floating on canel. Just pick up and put at the forest~ it’s not often to meet beautiful beetle. (・∀・)

16:15 p.m. 抵達坪頂古圳石階路岔路,這一條長條石階貫穿“坪頂古圳”, “坪頂新圳“ 以及 “登峰圳“。 因為我要繞回至善路三段370巷巷底,處在地勢較低的位置,故要往石階下方走~
16:15 p.m. arrived branchroad to Pingding ancient canel, this rocky stair across “PingDing ancient canel”, “Ping Ding new canel” and “Deng Feng canel”.
This canel trail has many branchroad and not many guide map on the way, so many people come to ask whick direction to trailhead or where to go. Suggested to download offline hiking trail navigation app , you can refer my another article: Introduction of offline navigation app for app guideline, it will be really easy to know where you are and which direction to go. o(^▽^)o

16:27 p.m. 到達涼亭處,岔路口左轉後有著一路向下的石階,輕鬆好走
16:27 p.m. arrived pavilion.

16:30 p.m. 到達 桃仔橋
16:30 p.m. arrived Tao-zi bridge.

16:41 p.m. 抵達岔路口,往至善路三段370巷底或者另一座登山口,即萬溪產業道路
16:41 p.m. arrived branchroad of Zhi-Shan road sec3. 370 ln. and another trailhead, Wei-xin road.

17:00 p.m. 抵達 田尾仔橋,直行到底左轉,右轉會前往別人家裡ಠ_ಠ
17:00 p.m. arrived Tian-wei-zi bridge (田尾仔橋), keep straight to the end and then turn left. If choose to turn right, will go ahead to somebody’s house ಠ_ಠ

17:02 p.m. 出登山口,登山口處有一處長期擺攤的菜攤,剛好有非常多的竹筍,就買了點回去,不知道是不是這附近山區沿路看到竹林裡的山產呢?(´・ω・`)
17:02 p.m. arrived trailhead and back home. Trailhead has a street vendor to sell many crop and bamboo shoot. i just bought 2 bamboo shoot, does it come from the PingDing canel hikng trail?

17:10 p.m. 至善路下行到原本的至善路三段370巷下方處的登山口
17:10 p.m. Back to original trailhead at Zhi-shan road sec3. 370 ln.

感謝閱讀完整篇文章,歡迎留言提出想法或問題喔 (・∀・)
Hope you enjoy reading my blog, welcome to leave message or any ! (・∀・)