『很久以前峭壁雄峰叫做“石頭刀”,當時岩壁上都沒有ㄇ型鐵跟繩子,但還是很多人去爬,掉了很多人下來!死了不少人在這裡~ 不像現在這麼安全還有拉繩,還有獨立峰當時是叫“猴山”,外型長得像猴子的山阿。』攀岩路上一個當地阿伯不斷說起以前五寮尖過去也曾有的熱鬧登山人潮,很難想像以前沒有拉繩的裸岩還有這個每天當後山在攀爬練身體的阿伯。
2021.4.30 攀登三峽五寮尖,一大早玉里商店兩旁已經停滿四五十輛的機車跟汽車非常誇張,兩年前2019疫情爆發前登山口只有機車兩三輛~
「Long time ago, Qiaobi Xong Peak (steep cliff) in Wuliaojian was called “stone-like knife”, there was no ropes on the side of steep cliff for climbing at all but still attracting a bunch of hiker. Many people fell down then and died at long time ago, it’s pretty safe to go hiking here recently after volunteer place safety ropes/some protection tool here. Also, duli peak was called “monkey peak” that it looks like monkey at a distance. 」 A old guy said. it’s unbelievable that Wuliaojian was soooo popular long time ago that full of people climbing on cliff without protection and this old guy come here so often for exercising.
2021.4.30 Wuliaojian, it’s a amazing and very adventurous hiking trail for advanced hiker, steep cliff, 360 degree view and forest you can been through all the way here. In the early morning, it was occupied by 40-50 cars at the sides of road around Yuli store. There was only few cars here 2 years ago when I was first climbing Wuliaojian. Now it’s full of people after COVID-19 and every mountain has same situation in Taiwan but hikers all looks professional with trekking pole/backpacking pack !
▶你可能有興趣的相關連結 Links you may interested in◀
• 神勇坡清風崙與大屯溪瀑布群(Qing Feng Lun and Du Tun river Waterfull)
• 十五個經典臺北攀岩步道|臺北攀繩步道 (15 trails with climb terrain in Taipei)
- 交通方式:1.自行騎車開車從三峽/大溪進入七乙線上的玉里商店/濟玄堂
- 2.在三峽市區搭乘807或F627在合作橋下車
- 花費時間:4.5 小時 (玉里商店-> 五寮尖山頂-> 11號 ->玉里商店)
- 海拔高度:639 m
- 難度:☆☆☆
- 建議攜帶物品:手套/防曬帽/一公升以上用水/食物
- Below are the basic information for Wuliaojian mountain
- Transportation: 1.Drive from Sanxia/Daxie city to Yuli store or ji xuan tang
- 2.Take bus 807/F627 from Sanxia city and take off at Hazua bridge
- Spend time: 4.5 hour (Yuli store -> Wuliaojian peak -> 11 marker -> Yuli store)
- Altitude: 639 m
- Difficulty:☆☆☆
- Carrying-on items: Gloves/Boonie hat/1 liter water as least/food
Note: you can check the citation for the detailed bus information
巴士資訊(Public Transportation)

一般起登點可以分為1.玉里商店 與 2.濟玄堂
濟玄堂可以略過很多的上坡路直接切到4號點,大約可省略0.5~1小時攀爬時間!但會錯過一個很經典的大於90度角上攀地形喔( ≧Д≦)(以下會介紹到)
Basically the trailhead can be 1. Yuli store or 2. Ji xuan tang. You can skip long long climbing trail if choose Ji xuan tang as trailhead to directly arrive marker 4 which will reduce 0.5-1 hours time spending. But you will miss the classical and exciting steep cliff on the way from Yuli store. ( Will introduce this cliff as the following)

路線圖文說明(Travel Record)
▶8:00 a.m. 從玉里商店出發! 玉里商店還有洗手台可供洗手~
Departure from Yuli store at 8 a.m.! Yuli store provide the free washbasin here! You can find out the trailhead is near Yuli store. Both side of road have full of car already, only motorcycle can find a space for parking. There is wonderful cafe store near the Yuli store offering comfortable environment for relaxing and cold beverage.

Full of tang blossom (桐花) along the tail, it’s common scenario through Taiwan in May.

▶8:30 a.m.到達拉繩大陡上的點,垂直>90度的斷崖需要大量使用手臂的力量將身體推上去,此處不想走的人可以利用左側的小路直接略過陡上岩壁。 若是從濟玄堂出發就會直接略過此處囉!想要挑戰看看自己的手臂力氣可以玩玩看,成功爬過會很有成就感的! (≧▽≦)
8:30 a.m. arrived the first extremely steep cliff (it already have 4-5 small cliff need to climb before this one) and it’s over > 90 degrees cliff. Need Arm’s muscle a lot to pull body up here. But you can choose the left trail (it’s small trail) If you want to skip this challenge. If you choose Ji Xuan Tang as trailhead, then you will directly skip this spot. It will be feeling of achievement if you succeed to conquer this steep cliff!! (≧▽≦)

▶9:00 a.m.到達四號點岔路,另一條為濟玄堂上來的路,直走續行往五寮尖邁進,右側照片是整趟路以來難得的平路,要好好享受。
9:00 a.m. arrive marker 4 branch road, another way at right side is the way from Ji Xuan Tang trailhead. Straight way will be pointed to Wuliaojin peak so keep going straight here.
Picture at right side shows flat, easy-walking road which are not so often appearing along this Wuliaojin trail.

Tons of climbing way and rappelling with ropes you will meet along trail, sometimes you might need to get in line with people in the weekend. Wuliaojin mountain is very popular recently and full of hiker on the way.

You will meet a steep cliff before you arrived marker 5 spot. From this cliff you will see Taoyuan city view at the right hand side with 360 degree. (*≧▽≦)!

▶9:32 a.m. 到達五號點,在到達前岩石路上會有幾株已經存活好幾年的蓮花就在小水潭里,聽說以前山友每天經過會幫他澆一點水,而現在蓮花旁邊已經放著一罐1500ml的水在旁邊待命不用山友貢獻自己的飲用水了(・∀・)
9.32 a.m. arrived marker 5 spot, there is small cute lotus flower appearing along rocky way.
Heard that people usually watering flower when hiker pass by, it is interesting that there is 1500ml water bottle has settle down around lotus flower now to avoid using drinking water ourselves.(・∀・) (green water bottle in the right side of picture).
Also, Branch road for 1. Qiaobi Xong peak and 2. hillside road to skip Qiaobi Xong peak will be around marker 5 spot. You can use “Green tracks” or “hiking book” app to recognize every trail direction as below figure. Offline navigation app introduction for Taiwan[3] has detailed information in this article in my blog.

2 years ago 2019.6.1 when I climbed Wuliaojin, there is only 2 lotus flower here with pink color instead of white as I see in May 2021. It’s amazing to check out additional 2 small lotus coming out from pond now.

▶9:50 a.m. 抵達峭壁雄峰下方處,從五號點開始我選擇走山腰路避開峭壁雄峰走去六號點,此處可以看到陡峭的山峰與需要拉繩下來的岩壁。 可以下來的拉繩路共有兩條,其中一條多有踩點跟樹木根部提供片刻休息,另外一條是進階版沒有任何踩點需要一氣呵成往下所以需要有點心理準備跟足夠的臂力再出發喔!
9:50 a.m. arrived around Qiaobi Xong peak, I choose to go hillside way to skip Qiaobi Xong peak rappelling from marker 5 spot and turn around to foot of Qiaobi Xong peak to take a look as below picture shown. There will be 2 type of method to do rappelling with ropes here, one has many spot/area to stand up or take rest at tree stump or dips in the road of cliff, another one has no area to take rest a whole so it really need stronger muscle to support to rappel all the way.

在兩年前2019.6.1還是個爬山菜鳥時,Pear我選擇有峭壁雄峰的進階路線攀爬,爬到剩一公尺就要到地面時手沒力氣了,就靠著同伴在下方支撐慢慢滑下來,現在想想還是挺危險的,還是先練過後再來挑戰困難的路線比較不會嚇著隊友ಠ_ಠ 以下是當年攀登的路線場景~
2 years ago 2019.6.1 when I was really new to mountain hiking, I choose the way to Qiaobi Xong peak need to rappel all the way down. Rappel to last 1 meter on cliff with ropes I was no more strength and rely on my partner giving support on my foot and help me to go down slowly. Avoid to this situation, it’s better to practice more before coming to Qiaobi Xong peak. Below is the scenery of Qiaobi Xong peak from top view and take picture 2 years ago.

▶10:00 a.m. 離開峭壁雄峰後,抵達六號點休息處有長椅可供休息,可以趁現在補充水份跟營養,因為還有很長一段陡上路往五寮尖山頂!
10 a.m. departure from Qiaobi Xong peak and arrive marker 6 spot. There will be long bench for taking a rest, it’s better to drink water and eat some chocolate or cookie here because there will still long and tough way to go on Wuliaojin peak!

All the way from marker 6 to marker 7 will has many exposed rocky road and cliff. The older man in front of me was talking about the history of Wuliaojin and Qiaobi Xong peak was called as “Stone-like knife” in the old generation with the same popular situation as now.

▶10:20 a.m.抵達七號點茄苳樹,我走偏右側抖上方向上五寮尖山頂,若想走緩和一點的山徑上山頂可以選擇左側上山頂。
10:20 a.m. arrive marker 7 spot. There will be huge Autummn Maple Tree on the way as below. If you want to choose a not so steep trail to Wuliaojin peak, you can choose the way at the left side of tree.

I choose the way to steeply climb up to the Wuliaojin peak, many rocky way and steep cliff with ropes along the trail up to peak.

▶10:30 a.m. 終於到達五寮尖山頂拉!!o(^▽^)o 山頂上有著三角點跟360度的大展望!在五月的季節裡很容易在臺北山區看到一叢一叢的桐花在圓形的山頂上,很像花椰菜呢~
在這裡拿出了從昨晚冰在冷凍庫的冰淇淋紅茶,到山頂上時就變成了冰淇虹紅茶冰沙~真的是上山頂後最犒賞自己的一種方式,另外若是不想一次喝完,平時Pear我會攜帶大罐保溫瓶裝滿1/3的冰塊跟冰飲料,上山之後通常還是會很冰涼!不然像是台灣的炎炎夏日,從山底下的冰茶到山上已經變熱茶, 我在另一篇網誌有提到關於夏日好攜帶上山的保溫瓶→登山健行小物推薦 1200 ml的CAMELBAK的保溫瓶保冰效果很好容量也足夠一日登山使用!
10:30 a.m. arrived at Wuliaojin peak !o(^▽^)o 360 degree view and triangulation you can see at the peak! Also a bunch of Tung blossom appearing at every mountain surrounding with you, it’s really like as broccoli !
I just take out the black tea with ice and it was just freezed last night, it’s wonderful feeling to drink very cold beverage at the top of mountain with really hot water! Or sometimes I will bring thermos with many ice cube and cold beverage inside to go hiking, and it’s always staying cold until I finish all the hiking trip! In another article of my blog, “17 items in hiking checklist” was mentioned about the 1200 ml CAMELBAK Thermos was really useful for 1 days summer hiking trip!

▶11:14 a.m.啟程下山,山頂上的人潮隨著時間愈晚人越來越多且越來越熱~趕緊下山喝冰涼去!(´∀`) 首先山頂附近有一座長梯,下梯子後建議走左側接回茄苳樹走另一條緩下山路接回產業道路下山,亦或者想續走11號點走大一點O型山路回產業道路,可以選擇走右側下山,但起碼會多出一小時的時間喔,並且人煙稀少像是Pear我走右側山路後一個人也沒看到了~
11:14 a.m. departure from Wuliaojin peak, more people coming to here and weather become super hot so I choose to begin going down hill and preparing a drink freezing cold beverage mood for departure (´∀`) .There will be long ladder to go down, suggesting to go left back to Autummn maple tree then will be another trail to quickly go down. If you would like to visit marker 11 spot, you can choose right side to go but taking more 1 hour to go down a hill. I was choosing marker 11 spot to go just based on my interest but no one I meet along the way down. It’s not worthy to go marker 11 spot because nothing special to see.

▶11:41 a.m.行經11號點,一路算是好走的路線只是很長半個人都沒有~
11:41 a.m. pass by marker 11 spot, it’s easy to walk along trail here but no one I meet here.

▶12:07 p.m.接到產業道路上,這時候可以四處可見民宅於右側~ 瞬間從山路切回平路時心裡總是特別~~的舒坦跟放鬆(´・ω・`)
12:07 p.m. leave from trail and arrive normal road to go, it was really relax and comfortable after finished trail and back to normal road. (´・ω・`) Just a bit scary that no people walk this way.

▶12:11 p.m.遇到可以走山腰路切回濟玄堂下方的道路,抱著想試著走看看的心情,沒想到~是一段很難走並且有點危險又斜又滑又人煙更稀少的路,不太建議新手行走這一條喔!
12:11 p.m. meet a trail to directly forward Ji Xuan Tang, it’s terrible trail to go and dangerous for beginner, I suggest do not go this way if you pass by.

▶12:23 p.m. 出登山口,左側照片是走山腰路切回濟玄堂下方道路的登山口,很難想像這是一條路,一般人會覺得這是往別人家的農田吧? 抱著回到平地感覺真好的心情回到玉里商店~(≧▽≦)
12:23 p.m. arrive exit, left picture is one of the exit/trailhead of Wuliaojin. It’s unbelievable that it looks like somebody’s farm or house to go, isn’t it? Finally, it’s super wonderful feeling to back to You li store and finish this hiking journey. (≧▽≦)

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